Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I went over Christins house last night. Good times good times. We had pizza and exchanged gifts and watched some of the Island which she had not seen and watched the ABC special on Heaven. Which we yelled at the tv lol. Funny funny. Awesome slide show i must say.

hmmm...not much else to say....

adam is

we have family Christmas david...double boo

A Christmas Story marathon starts saturday night and all day sunday! yay!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

i know my journal looks like poo, i tried to fiddle with the theme and it didnt work real well. Sorry if its hard to read.

I saw the Family Stone yesterday, it was different. Not what I expected. Very sad. I really dont know if I liked it or not. Kinda indifferent over it.

Christmas is coming! I wish it would look like my icon on sunday. How great. Wow we have church on Christmas this year. Service doesnt start till 10 cause theres no sunday school but i dont know what were doing. Its kinda hard since Adam doesnt live here now cause he spent the night last Christmas but his room is kinda demolished since we store everything in there.

I saw Ashley Tudor yesterday! Me and my mom pulled into CVS in brainerd before the movie and we were in my car and i looked and i was like hey that looks like Ashleys car cause i never see anyone else with it and i bent over and there she was! We jumped out and screamed and hugged each other. I havent seen her since graduation or homecoming, i dont know if she came to homecoming or if i saw her. Shes coming to UTC next semester. Shes staying in Village too. Yay! Another Boyd Buchananer coming to UTC. She looked good too. Her hair was short and almost blonde. It looked good on her.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Well I finally moved out and honestly i was kinda sad cause me and Taylor got closer this week. Kinda ironic it was the last week of all times. We were semi close all semester but it was more so this week. We had a nice convo about Jesus and the Bible and all and I explained some stuff to her about the way i live my life. Good convo. Now that i think about i really am sad. I was thinking all semester, i wont care to move out from Taylor its not like were uber close but now it is sad. We decided id come up to UT one long weekend and she'd come down here when my parents go on their church trip in march. poop.

I think i did amazingly well on my biology exam though. It was easier than my music exam if thats possible. I better not have a C in that class i will be thoroughly pist.

My parents arent here all day today. So im home alone and i was just watching that movie ironically haha.

We redid my room! I dont know if i posted on that or not. Its robins egg blue now and absolutely beautiful. It makes my room look bigger, no joke. I spent alot of today putting all my stuff back up from moving and some stuff i had in my apartment. Im using my beach bedding and stuff so everything looks summerish haha kinda funny with the xmas lights. Oh yeah and I DID put a BSB poster up and an Elvis one. I might put 1 more BSB up though cause the other one is on the back of my door. We'll have to see.

Wednesday, December 7, 2005


im avoiding studying...

oh yeah really random...
i found out my friend who knows some people who work here at utc, like faculty. Anyway remember me saying something about my government teacher being a perv? Well apparently theres more to it than just him liking pretty girls. Apparently this is like his 2nd year back or something cause he was suspended for 5 years for sexual harassment of some chinese students. Eww.

Tuesday, December 6, 2005

man exams are about to kill me. I really cant complain though. I didnt have anything to do today but study and i only have 1 exam tomorrow, nothing thursday, 1 exam friday and then one tuesday. Biology is about to kill me though. It took me an hour to go through 3/4 of the material. Alot of crap to know. Not fun. Today has not been very fun. Ive beat myself up alot over small stuff that doesnt matter. I tend to be good at that though. And i would like to think that only dating Christians, IS NOT close minded. Boo. Some people make me so mad. Grr. Oh yeah and im definately not going to see the backstreet boys tomorrow. That just makes my week let me tell ya.

high school is over. It's really over isn't it?

Thursday, December 1, 2005

What a day!

Well I sure did have an eventful day. I had a my final gov. test today (praise Jesus) which was an essay. We got a list and I studied my questions and I only really knew 2 out of the 5 I studied. And we had to sign up to type or write it out and I typed it and the 2 groups had different questions to choose from. Well dog my cat i got 1 of the 2 i knew! haha! Oh goll then i had an hour to kill till History and I called Allison after the test cause we only had 30 mins to take it and she answered and was like Hello? in this horrible voice. And I was like Allison, this is Cortney. And she goes huh? And i was like please dont tell me your in bed. And she was still confused and I go U MISSED THE TEST! And she realized finally and was like WHAT? And she freaked out. Goll I felt bad for her and she didnt know what to do. And i was like go see him now and explain and then she realized she could probably take it during his next gov class so im sure thats what happened. I gotta call her. She set 3 alarms poor thing.

Oh then Tina came and sat with me after the test and she said I could have her Educ 201 book and notes for next semester since she has all the answers. haha. Oh yeah and then she asked me if i wanted to possibly go to gatlinburg saturday so she could shop for her husband for xmas. I was like well sure lol. Dont know about that for sure yet. Shes the one that works at St. Johns. She also said some girls might be quitting next semester so maybe I can get my job back which would be heaven.

I bought Adam's hoodie for xmas. Taylor and I went and used my mellow mushroom/bijou gift card today. Yes Ive had it since last Halloween. Haha. We could get a medium pizza and our movie tickets. Great deal. Awesome pizza too. There was a table of middle aged men that perked up when we walked in though. They were like straining to see us cause we were sitting behind them. Kinda gross. Oh yeah and we saw Harry Potter which rocked my socks off. Very good. At the quidditch championship, the Irish team rocked my socks off!!!!! I loved the little leprechaun!

I got a 30 out of 30 on my last english paper, which means i got a 100 on my final which i dont have to take since she takes our highest essay grade. Bahaha! Its funny though cause I told Kerra to watch her give everyone a 30 so we wont take the exam and Kerra and Leigh Anne both got 30's so i think thats what shes doing, so i technically didnt get a 30, but its fine with me lol. I gotta go get it tomorrow to see the comments. I also got an 86 in my lab which is AMAZING since i did so horrible in there. And i have an 84 in Biology so as long as i do well on the final i should have a solid B. Im not too worried about my grades anymore. I was sweatin it all along but now its not so bad. I just gotta keep the Hope.

Im officially out of this dump next Friday at 11:30.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Well I hope everyone had a great Turkey Day! I had a good week. Nothing exciting, but it was great to be home. 2 more weeks!!!! YAY!!! And i also found out that Taylor is probably gonna get to go to UTK and she'll move out the day I do if she goes, which is awesome cause she wont be here alone. I did not want to come back here yesterday. I was dreading it more than I ever have. I was so comfy at home cause my dad and I came and got my tv and dvd player so that was in my room at home and we had Christmas stuff up and I had the cats and everything was warm and cozy. I did not want to leave. But i did find out good news today that made up for it:

Got an 82 on my Biology test
Wednesday is my last English class
I dont have to take my English exam
I bought my parking permit for next semester
I got tuna for lunch

Not too much happening here as u can see lol.

I hate the rain. boo.

Haha two entries in one day, what fun! I forgot some stuff to add in the other so i thought id do another one for the heck of it.

So my mom has wanted a prelit tree for a few years now, but theyve been WAY too expensive. So I was looking in the paper on Thanksgiving day and they had some good deals around for Friday only. We always laugh at those people who go out on Black Friday, but I said i wanted to go out on one of those days before I die. So they had a prelit tree for 30$ at Ace, so I convinced my mom to get up and we'd go look at it. So we got up at 6 to be there at 7 when they opened lol. Well there was a line outside the door, so we got in line for them to open. Well we asked the lady in front of us what she was there for and she said tools and she asked us and we said trees and she was like, Oh i look at number of tips and light, and we were like huh? cause we knew nothing about them lol. Well she said the higher the light count the better it will look, and the one inside Ace only had 150, the one at Walgreens had 250 and it cost less. So we decided to go there instead but then we went to Home Depot instead cause my mom had an ad for there and they had a 6 1/2 ft. tree for 40$ with 550 lights! So we ran over there and got one. Very happy.

Well then my mom had gotten some ornaments at kmart a few days before and we went there to see if there were anymore on sale. That was a stupid mistake. The lines there were probably 15-20 people deep. Plus the ornaments werent on sale haha. So that was it. Our black friday adventure was over lol. Hmm...we went to the mall saturday night for dinner which was a mistake. There were crazy people everywhere. I thought about Lauren and Allison working. Poor Allison she had to work from 6am-12am friday. Poor thing. Oh and i saw for friday only if u bought 50$ worth of stuff at Victoria Secret ud get this awesome huge tote filled with products for free!!!! Oh and I found out that at Express if u bought anything u got a free clutch and at Express for men u got a hat and scarf for free. What bargains.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Rainy day

Well today sure was fun. I didnt have my umbrella for class cause other 2nd one was at home and my elvis one was in my car. So i took my anorac. Bad mistake. Its not really a rain jacket for long lol. It ends up seeping through very quickly. But it wasnt raining until i got out of my last class and then it was practically monsooning. Campus was already flooding horribly and by the time i got back to my apartment i was soaked head to toe. I just got done drying my shoes in the dryer. My books also got wet. Yay.

I went to the orchestra concert at seventh day adventist last night. Boring. It was for music class. I left at the intermission haha. I can download the rest online and write my paper.

I think God is trying to test me and see how much school i can handle this week. Cause i dont think ive ever had this much work to do in a week. Heres a rundown for your enjoyment.

Music test wedneday
Music review due by friday
Gotta start studying for my biology test next monday
Pop quizzes in Biology this week sometime
Reading in english for pop quiz
Corrections on my history research paper
English paper due wednesday
New english paper due sometime soon
Goverment outline questions for final test
Lab extra credit - paper

Im sure i can find some more to do as well. I dont think exam week will be this bad considering i have 1 exam everyday for like a week. I feel bad for taylor she has 3 exams in one day back to back.

Have yall heard the new Fefe Dobson song "dont let it got to your head?" very funny if u havent heard it. I would suggest downloading it. just because i think of u in bed, haha.

Tuesday, November 8, 2005


Im pretty bored right now. Taylor went somewhere for a math test this week. Dunno. Im here alone. I just watched some Moulin Rouge on tv, very nice. I havent seen it in a while. I was singing away lol. Hmmm... havent updated in a while. Oh Jillian text me today and said she wanted to talk to me about my history class. Well it turned into an hour convo since i havent talked to her in forever. And then i was walking to the UC this evening to meet Taylor and she was parked on a bench and she came to eat with us. Good times. Very funny convo lol.

I GET TO FREAKIN MOVE OUT!!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD ALMIGHTY!!!! HE IS WATCHING OVER ME! Goll i forgot to update about that. Yes i get to move out and also pay 3 months rent. Thats wonderful. The penalty to get out of your lease was 1-3 months and i got 3. The woman even told me there lenient on medical reasons and haha i didnt get any slack. I dont care though cause my parents made a budget and said that it would be cheaper to live at home than here. Im so excited!!!! Only like 4 more weeks here. Ive got like almost all my stuff packed already too haha. My dad is coming here thursday too and hes taking me and taylor out to dinner. Yay!


I FOUND OUT THE BACKSTREET BOYS ARE COMING BACK TO ATLANTA DECEMBER 7TH!!!!! AHH!!!! Well its xmas show Q100 has every year with Will Smith headlining and the Pussycat dolls. Ehh dont care about them, BSB are kings. Well i just happened to remember that Morgan owes me a fully paid concert haha. Im trying to get her to get these tix off ebay. Very good price. 12th row! Im gonna O all over myself lol.

I finished my history research paper which is great. I also got extra credit to do in lab which is great.

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Long time no update...haha. Yes it is true i havent updated in a while. Ive been lazy. So me and Taylor put on wild makeup and fake eyelashes last night for halloween and wore our cute witch hats we got at walmart. They have stars and moons on them which u cant see in my facebook pic grr...

Hmm...I just found out today that in my gov. class u can only miss 3 classes unexcused and then after that he takes 5% off of your grade for each class u miss. Ive missed 1 a week for a while. Thats wonderful. There goes my grade. Poo. I finally find out if i can move out next semester this week. I put that crap in a month ago and Taylor put hers in last week and she'll prob get her reply with mine cause there mailing them. Poop. Totally not fair.

Hmm...what else to say....

Did i update about Sarah (other roommate) moving out? Cant remember but anyway she did.

Oh haha something funny. Today when i was walking back to my apartment I saw all these people in a crowd over by the library. There was this guy standing up on something and preaching with a Bible and there was this HUGE sign next to him that said in big red words, "Hell's most wanted" and it had this HUGE list of types of people. Well it had like normal stuff like drunkards, homosexuals, liars and yadayada but then such random stuff like psychics and masturbators, yes i said that and SPORTS FANS! Yes i heard people saying like Wha???? Yeah crazy stuff. Well there have been 4 men in this square vicinity at school attacking people with those little NT Bibles of Psalms and Proverbs. Literally they come over and ask u if u want one, each of them, numerous times. Very annoying. Well they were gone this afternoon andd the crazy man showed up. He also had a man with a beard next to him and im wondering if he was mormon or something, random i know.

Oh yeah and i got my first UTC parking ticket yesterday for 20$ yay.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Sarah is moving out guys. No more boyfriend haha. The head of UTC Place came by and asked us some questions about her cause she left last tuesday and hadnt been home. Her mom called the school looking for her. She finally called us and said shes moving out. Shes here right now getting her stuff. Haha 2 potties. Im suppose to find out if I move out this week i think. Ive been waiting. I want an answer.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

woah really random but im pretty sure i bought creme savers at walmart today and i ate one earlier and i totally swallowed it whole by accident and started to choke. It got stuck in my wind pipe. I started freaking out and Taylor told me to drink water cause it would dissolve it. Goll it was so scary cause it wouldnt go down. I could feel and hear it when i drank a sip everytime. Man be careful guys, i thought i was gonna have to go to the hospital.

Yeah im pretty sure Sarah just left and had a bunch of crap with her to take to Nashville. She said she couldnt stay here anymore. She was like im transferring tomorrow. Well maybe not tomorrow. Shes not gonna be here next semester anyway cause she hasnt been to a class in 4 weeks. Not even kidding. Shes gonna fail so she wont be able to come back. Man i hope i get to leave. Im gonna go ask tomorrow when i get an answer from the school. Its been 2 weeks since i put in the form and i need to know so i can renew my parking permit or not. Crazy crazy. It wont be near as bad though if Sarah moves out next semester and its just me and Taylor. Ahh i wanna go home. I stayed an extra day this past weekend just because lol. Well me and Lauren went to a concert at 7th day adventist univ. for music class and i used that as my excuse cause i was like im gonna be back late. Haha i was home at 830 for desperate housewives lol. So i skipped class monday and then went back that night, which was great cause i was one day closer to coming home haha. Im such a dork. Oh it was so funny. At the concert I saw the guy that looked like Legolas from the Chatt Symphony. The only difference was he had cornrows, not very attractive.

Bombed my lab midterm today. Boo.

Ooohh Taylor and I just watched the new Cinderella dvd!!! I was so excited cause her parents got it for her the other day. It was great. Go get it guys. Awesome awesome.

Oohh its 1056, gotta get ready for bed. haha.

Thursday, October 6, 2005

i like cute boys. Just a random note lol.

Im pretty sure i called Christin last night and she was at bojangles in ooltewah with joey and zach. I swear that girl is in ooltewah more now that im gone than when i was living at home lol. Well anyway Zach picked up the phone and started talking to me. And he randomly was like, let me ask u a question. Did Christin tell u that me or Joey is a better kisser? And Christin told me later that she said, shes gonna say joey, and sure enough i did lol. He was like what?!?!?!? She said Joey laughed pretty hard. Good stuff lol.

Ahhh i might get to stay at home for 4 days this weekend! yay! Im so excited! If me and Lauren go to the concert at collegedale for music class then im just gonna spend sunday night and skip class monday cause i wont wanna go back to school that late. Haha its gonna be like 9 lol. Just an excuse to stay home longer so then friday will come quicker. Yay!

Sunday, October 2, 2005

Well i think the last real entry i posted was from last weekend. Not much happened this week. Kinda boring. My first gov. test that i wasnt worried about was horrible. No one knew anything on there. That old man is so stupid. I got a 28 out of 60 which is apparently the class average. But anyway he curves ALOT so it turns out to be a C or so. Oohh i also found out he likes young, pretty girls eeww.

I have a bio quiz monday
a music midterm wednesday
a paper due wednesday

im so thrilled about all of the above.

OOHHHH I had a great 20 mins last night lol. Christin called me and said her and chris and joey were all at countryside and she wanted me to come join them but i had already eaten but she told me to come anyway. Well i wasnt gonna come but Joey took the phone and talked to me personally and asked me to come so i jumped up and drove 70 the whole way there. They were almost done eating when i got there but we all sat and talked for a bit. I also got to sit by him. Well then later on christin called me again and then i got to talk to Joey again. Haha. I also got his # in my phone. Good night i must say :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

i love that christin and i sit and talk to each other on the internet like at 3 random times throughout the day and then call each other at night lol. We talk about such random stuff. Shes such a dork. Oh yeah, I win.

I turned in my stuff to move out at the semester. I kinda lied lol. I said my mom was having her surgery like later, not that she had it a week ago. Oh well, they said the school is lenient on medical reasons. I might have already posted that, dont remember.


Sunday, September 25, 2005

Great news!

So i went home this weekend and my phone was about to die the WHOLE time, so i turned it off for a while. Well i turned it on today and christin had left me a voicemail. So i call her and she was like yeah u might wanna keep your phone on for future reference. And i was like why? And she was like just keep it on. I was like OK whose gonna call me!?!?! She said apparently that on saturday night she was hanging out with Joey and in a joking way she said he was ugly and he goes well u dated me and she goes, Cortney STILL thinks your hott! And he was like haha really? And he was like give me her number! So she gave it to him! haha!!! I love Christin Walker!

Oh yeah im pretty sure we got 2 meals tonight since my mom came home. Goll we have so much food and were suppose to get a meal every other day. SO MUCH FOOD. Im stuffed and i brought some back with me. Woo, no more food for me.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Went to Homecoming last night. It wasn't near as sad as i thought it was gonna be. Sad, but not TOO sad. There were alot of people there too. We lost 35-0 haha but i dont think i ever watched the game really. I was too busy talking to people and walking around. Man my feet hurt too. I sat during the presentation of the seniors but that was it. Haha Megan W was there! I was so excited cause i didnt know she was coming. Shes so funny. I got free stuff at the alumni tent too lol.

As always, there was DRAMA. I havent seen these people since graduation and there was such drama. Goll i somehow got involved in it. Well u could say i was dragged into it. Oh well. Thats Boyd Buchanan. I got to see everyone i wanted except Coach Brown! Man! I wanted to talk to him but i never saw him anywhere. Im so bored. Im suppose to go see a movie tonight with Ashley. Oh and i cant move out at the end of the semester. Poo.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Dad picked me up today and we went to eat at Jenkins in East Ridge. It was SO good cause ive been starved for vegetables. Tuna is running through my veins. I dont know if i'll eat it again for a while after this year. Then we went and saw my mom at the hospital. She had her knee replaced on wednesday. She looked good. Much better than when she had her hip done. That tore me to pieces. Shes gonna come home tomorrow instead of saturday which is good. I also wont be here which also good cause when she came home with her hip done, omword i bawled like a baby cause she was in so much pain. It took all the energy she had to get from the car to the couch and some of u know that the couch is not far from the backdoor. Well then jingle jumped up on her hip and she screamed bloody murder. Not a good time. She was cheerful though, not out of it too bad. Her eyes were slowly shutting though while we were there. So we decided to let her rest.

Homecoming is tomorrow! YAY! Im so excited to go back to school and see everyone. I miss it. I was thinking about that this week. About how much I miss Homecoming week and spending the night with everyone and taking 50000 million pictures. Its so sad whenever I go to a game this year cause im gone. My times over. Im not included in the 'school' anymore. I'd give my right arm to go back to Boyd. Its heaven compared to the hell im living in now. Goll this place is just covered inside and out with sin. I like UTC but not the people in it. I dont think i realized how bad people are until I got here. I guess i forgot about being at brown for a year.

I was talking to my parents about redecorating my room and using my beach stuff from my dorm and we somehow got on the topic of me moving home next semester if its possible but i dont think it is. I signed a 9 month lease but we pay per semester and i havent paid yet. So im gonna go see if i can come home sooner. Goll that would be great. Oh yeah im pretty sure Sarah hasnt gone to ONE class this week. She was also gonna go back to Nashville friday but she randomly said she had to go last night. She also brought a 25 year old divorcee with a child home with her on sunday. Apparently they took a bath together. He also bought her and taylor all kinds of alcohol, which they also got drunk off of. So he has a very loud speaking voice anyway but being drunk made it even louder and the walls are paper thin here. So about 1:30 tuesday morning while i was laying in bed cause i couldnt sleep, i finally screamed through the door, "WILL U SHUT UP" It got real quiet lol. If they didnt shut up, i was honestly gonna march out the door over to the RA's room and tell her that there was a 25 year old guy staying with us who was drunk and bought alcohol for underage girls. His ass would be back home to Nashville quick. But it didnt come to that. These people are messed up. Im a nun/angel compared to these girls. Ive never done half the stuff they do. Please pray for them and me.

Oh my dad told me that my uncle got a call from Iraq yesterday. Andrew's tank drove over a bomb. All we know is that hes going to a hospital in Germany. We dont know how he is or what happened or anything. Hes so close to coming home too. He was suppose to come home in November. Please pray that hes ok and that he'll be honorably discharged and sent home sooner. Man that would be great.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

My first date!

Now let me just start off by saying in all honesty i didnt expect last night to happen. Christin had told me all week that she was mad at Chris for some stuff and that he probably wasnt gonna go saturday which meant Joey might not go, so i was like oh well, no date tonight lol. But lo and behold Christin called me and was like I have good news for u! And she said everything is back on cause Chris called me! WOO! I was so excited! So I got ready and christin came over and we were suppose to meet them at Bayside at 7:15 and we got there and waited. Oh yeah and we waited some more. They got there at like 7:40 or so. Christin was so EXCITED. Thats an understatement. When she saw Chris' mustang pull in she FLIPPED OUT. She was practically screaming cause she honestly didnt think they were gonna show lol. Well then me and Christin got to CRAM ourselves into the back of his mustang, which let me tell u is smaller than mine. I didnt think that was possible but it is. My head was touching the roof. So me and Christin have this whole night planned. Nothing happened that we wanted. We wanted to go to Mellow Mushroom for dinner and to the bijou to see red eye and we ended up going to Brick Oven and no movie at all. I'll get to that in a minute.

So we get out to go out and Joey helps us out of the back and i make him hold my purse and he was like, is this a good color for me? it was very funny. So we go and sit down. Well Christin made sure she sat next to Chris, obviously since it was a date and Joey sat by me. Random i know. So the whole night Joey and Chris played off of each other on everything that they said or did. They bothered the waiter for a while about the tea. Talked about their salads when they got them. Really random stuff lol. But I know they both picked on Christin all night. And as much as I hate to admit it, it was funny. I was already nervous and when im nervous I laugh at EVERYTHING hysterically. So Chris was really funny which made me laugh, I was nervous with Joey there, so i laughed and then they both picked on christin which made me laugh even more. I had to hold it in. I must of been smiling like a fool. But whats worse is that I kinda joined in the mocking of Christin which i shouldnt have. But anyway they thought it was so funny and they were like "yeah shes one of us now!" and gave me a high five. Made me very happy lol, sorry Christin :)

So then we ended up driving around to different movie theatres over by the mall and the boys decided we were gonna see Emily Rose at 10. Well me and Christin did not wanna see that at all and she kept complaining about it. Well then we randomly went to Walmrt to kill time. So we go in there and Chris and Joey walk in different directions for whatever reason and Christin follows Chris and I go find Joey and i was like hey i couldnt find anyone lol. And i finally got to talk to him alone for like 10 mins. It was good. He's very easy to talk to, i thought it might be awkward but it wasnt. Oh yeah and then Chris and Christin find us and all the sudden I hear, "Chris Whitaker!" and u will never believe in your right mind who it was. It was Morgan. Oh yes it was Morgan. Christin walked over and hugged her and started talking to her and i just completely ignored her. I didnt even acknowledge she was there. Christin told me Morgan goes, "Cortney hates me doesnt she?" and christin smiled and said yes she does lol. And then she gave some bull**** excuse that she tried to call me. OKAY YEAH SHE CALLED ME. I WOULD HAVE SEEN HER NAME ON MY PHONE THEN WOULDNT I? GOLL IT MADE ME SO MAD.

Well then she and her posse left. Oh yeah her hair was boy short with the whole underneath bleached. It looked horrible.

So then we drove back to the movie and on the way i told Christin what it was about and she was all excited to see it then and then the boys were like nah we dont wanna see it. So we went back to church and they dropped us off and they admired my car for a while since Chris has a mustang lol. And Chris shook my hand lol and Joey gave me a hug! A HUGE HUG. Like he completely covered me with his arms. It was great. He didnt hug Christin either! I was like wha? im special tonight lol. Im pretty sure i thanked Christin about 700000000 times for last night cause she got everything together lol. THANKS AGAIN! Great first date i must say.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

It's a first for me.

Well i finally at 18 years old have my first semi-date. I dont know why i keep calling it a date cause its not. Well it kinda is. See what i mean? Haha its kinda funny too. I had told Christin numerous times that Joey was so hott (its her ex boyfriend). So she was talking to him the other day and was randomly like hey u wanna go out with Cortney sometime lol? So me and Joey and Christin and Chris Whitaker are all going on a double date saturday lol. Quite funny. Its gonna be kinda awkward since im on a semi-date with one of my best friend's ex boyfriend. But she said it didnt bother her. I keep saying semi-date cause Joey told Christin to make sure i knew this was just a friends thing for right now, which i knew anyway. Im so excited!

I was so tired sunday night and i was literally about to put my head on the pillow and my phone started vibrating. I was like oh gosh i dont wanna talk to anyone, but it was Christin so i picked it up and she was like are u in bed lol? But i talked to her for like 30 mins or more and when i got off with talking to her, i could not sleep whatsoever. I had been so tired before and then i was wired for like an hour after that. I think were gonna go downtown and see a movie. But i already know not to get my hopes up. I HAVE TO REMEMBER THAT SINCE ITS NOT A REAL DATE. I mean i cant go in expecting anything can i? Well since its not a real date, if im shot down, its not like it meant anything cause there was nothing there to begin with. Right? I hope this doesnt tear me apart. I thought about it and this is like the first contact ive had with a boy, EVER. So obviously im somewhat excited cause im going on my first semi-date with a hott guy who may have some feeling towards me. Yeah thats real true since he barely knows me. Okay Cortney. And now im talking to myself. Im thinking WAY WAY too into this. Christin, i hope i dont pist u off. Thats not my intention and NEVER will be.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Holy crap!!!!! I just put Ryan Headden as one of my friends on Facebook and shows him and Kaci Dupree (remember the really pretty girl who left after like 1 semester our freshman year? really good friends with shelley?) are MARRIED. Holy crap there married unless its a joke. Thats just really weird.

So me and Lauren went to the Chatt Symphony last night for music class. Fun times lol. It wasnt near as bad as I thought it would be. I went and picked her up at 5 and we drove downtown, yes i drove on the interstate all the way downtown and back, i am very proud. Haha i got off on the wrong exit too, im such a dork, but we eventually found where we were going. So we parked and walked down to Sticky Fingers to eat and we got right in which was good except that had alot of time to kill till 8. We got the artichoke and cheese deep too that was wonderful. And I had a free coupon for peach cobbler that came in a MASSIVE bowl. It was so big, but good.

So we were walking down the road to the Tivoli and take into consideration we were dressed up majorly for this and im sure people were staring as we walked down the street in our dresses and stuff. But anyway we hear these 2 guys yelling at us in their truck trying to get our attention. And of course they have to stop at the light and so do we to cross so the whole time im trying so hard not to crack up and ignore them. They commented on Lauren's clear shoes too i remember that real well lol. Haha made me feel kinda good though cause that never happens to me. I must say i looked mighty fine last night too. I wore my pretty halter dress and i had my hair curled and it stayed!!!!! I havent curled my hair since Class Day and it didnt work out too well then cause it was too long. I dont even know why i did it last night either cause i knew it would fall cause it was so hott, but it stayed pretty well. It made me happy lol.
So then we bought our tix for 15$ since we were students and they were originally 48$!!!!! Thats insane! We also were seated in the 2nd row, which sucked cause it said on my music sheet to sit in the back cause u can hear better. So much for that.

So everyone comes out and then they start playing the national anthem and everyone stands up and me and Lauren are looking around like whats going on lol? And the pianist had NO music all night and was playing from memory. But the funny thing was that both of us could hear him breathing through his nose, HORRIBLY. It was like he had lots of boogers and his nasal passages were clogged and he was gasping for air. Cause it was like he wasnt breathing. He'd take huge breaths every so often and i was like dude, u can breathe, its ok lol. But the whole concert went by pretty quick considering we didnt have anything to watch technically lol. There was a semi cute guy in the orchestra who looked like Legolas though cause his hair was long and blonde and back in a pony tail lol. Lauren noticed that lol. It was a good night i must say. But my review is crap lol.

Monday, September 5, 2005

Guys i want yall to please pray for Mrs Jones and her family. Her husband died in his sleep last week. If you remember he used to sub at boyd and she always said he had seizures and i think he was epileptic. Well apparently she went to go sleep somewhere else and he had a seizure in his sleep and suffocated. Apparently they have no money now, not even enough for a funeral. So please pray for them.

Sunday, September 4, 2005

Well school is good. Besides the monsoon we had tuesday. And for some reason i decided to wear a skirt that was flowy and the wind was HORRIBLE, so i was trying to hold my purse, umbrella and skirt down all at the same time. I looked like i was at boyd again. Yeah and i forgot i had on red underwear under a blue skirt. Classic day. I also got a coffee to get warm with that was only a shot and i paid for a medium cup. I didnt know it was a shot until after i got it. Pist me off.

I went to Government the other day and my teacher didnt show up. We had a prelaw club presentation which lasted 5 mins and its an hour and a half class. So me and a girl in there went to the UC and talked for a while. Good way to make friends i must say lol. I also found out a girl in my English and Music class is taking aerobics so ill know someone next week.

Oh yeah im thinking about getting my nose pierced! Im so excited about it cause im pretty sure im gonna do it. My roommate, Taylor, has it done and i was asking her about it when she went to buy new studs. Well then i started noticing alot of girls had it done and it looked so cute. Its so small too. Taylor said she could barely find the hole when she took her stud out. It looks like a little piece of glitter on your nose. Taylor said it didnt hurt either, but i dunno about that one lol. Its only 27$ at standard ink right down from my apartment. She keeps bugging me about it too for fun lol. But all of my roommates decided to get something pierced together. Taylor kinda wants her belly button done and i think sarah wants something in her ear. I dunno but i warned my parents about it. My mom was like, please dont do that. Why? Please dont do that lol. But its my money and my body and i told them dont be surprised if i come home with it done one weekend. They probably wont even notice. Ill keep ya posted.

Friday, August 26, 2005

i wish the person who thought of research papers was alive so i could kill them myself.

Oh yeah i ment to update the other day but i forgot. I finished i love bsb, 100,000 times baby. I think it was tuesday or wednesday. So that was February 15 or 16, 2005.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Well college is good. Not too much happening. One of my roommates moved out though, kinda sucks. We liked her too lol. Her first choice school called and said she was accepted like 3 days after we started classes. This school is where her fiance goes and its only 45 mins from her house and she lives in Memphis. She said she missed home like 3 days in after we moved. She had already said she wanted to go back home next year. She loved this school and Chatt just it was too far. Her fiance drove 4 hours last night to come take her back and move her. Isnt that sweet? Apparently she told him about all 3 of us and said i was the country girl lol. Taylor and Elizabeth started making fun of my accent a few days ago and when her fiance got here i said, Hi its nice to meet you and they both cracked up. I was like im from TN and i sound like everyone else. She said people dont sound like that in Memphis and i was like ookayy sure.

But anyway we had not 1 but 2 fire drills last night. It sucked booty. One was at 11:15 and i was glad i hadnt gone to bed yet and we waited like 20 mins outside before we could go back in. We hadntD been in the room 10 mins and another went off! I was pist. Its SO loud and annoying. So i got to to bed around 12:15. I felt real good this morning. Ohh the other day me and Elizabeth went into student information to ask about the library and this guy was working in there. So we talked to him and left. And he was cute too. Well then he shows up in my gov class, kinda weird how i have class with people i meet randomly. But anyway he sat next to me today and i got to share a w/s with him. He scooted his desk close to me. Fun stuff i must say. He was wearing a Rhea County shirt the other day so i assume hes from around here. His names Zach i think. Man that class sucks though. Its soo boring.

I went and ate lunch with Ashley, Drew and Jillian today though which was good. I was there for like an hour and a half too lol. Gotta shop this weekend! yay!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

College life....

Well i started college yesterday. Haha me and my roommates were all so nervous. I got up at 6:50 ahh, that felt real good. I left my apt at 7:30 to be sure i got there on time for my 8 class lol. I ended up getting there 15 mins early but there were people in there already too. I met 2 girls right when i sat down and we talked for a while. I made my first college friends lol. Well i had english at 8 and my teacher is very fun. She reminds me of Mrs Lane. Young, perky, cool. I have 5 papers to write over the semester. Then she let us out 3 mins late! I had Biology next and it was only downstairs but still i walked in and it was a 100 person class. The stadium seats scared me lol. Well i walked up the stairs looking for a seat and I hear, "Cortney" and i look and it was Jeremy Roper! Oh my goodness u should have seen my reaction lol. I was so happy to see him. I sat with him and he said Jimbo was in there too and then he came in late. And i saw Charles who graduated a few years ago and a girl from church. It was good. And then i went to Music class and i passed Jillian on the way there and i talked to her. I saw lots of people going TO class not FROM lol. Well music was in the new engineering building and it was a 100 person class too. It kinda reminds me of the IMAX cause the room was huge with a massive screen. Well my teacher was a nut lol. Its gonna be a good class. Its all about classical music and i have to go to 3 orchestrated concerts. Lauren Smith brown is in the same class on another day so we can go to those together lol. But anyway my teacher was dancing all around with music she played us and made us all get up and she took 2 people on the front row and did like a hoe down with them and made them dance lol. It was crazy. And then i was done for the day.

So then i met Taylor at the UC for lunch at 11 and then she left for class and Lauren Smith called me and said she was at the Bookstore and i told her i was in the UC so she came over and we talked for a while. And then i took her to the poster tent and i got 1 for my room and then we went to the Bookstore on vine st and she got her books. And then she drove me to my apt which was nice lol thanks Lauren.

And then today i had government at 8-9:15 which was SO boring cause it was a little old man who taught it but he let us out 40 mins early so i went and waited around till History and my teacher is a black english woman so she has an awesome accent. She let us out early too. And then i had my lab which was suppose to be 2 hours but it was only 10 mins lol. I had to meet Adam for lunch and that wasnt suppose to be till 1 so i went to the library and then he called earlier and we ate. I have alot of reading to do. I need to go do that now actually.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

So yesterday i went home for dinner and me and my dad went to Boyd for the football game! yay! Well there werent alot of alumni there. Well people that i knew at least. I talked to all the underclassmen lol. Lindley was the first person i saw and she ran over and attacked me lol. Rebecca came over and said hi and so did Mrs Roland. And Katlyn came over in the 3rd quarter. Shes coming over today to spend the night and were gonna go to fathom to see Bowling for Soup. I think we won the game last night. It was 20 to 3 when we left. I was so sad when i left. It made me see that Boyd is done. It wasnt the same. I followed dad to my apartment and he walked me in lol. I started to cry cause i miss home and Boyd and all and then i hear a knock on the door. I clean myself up and go and its Casey! Oh that made me feel so much better. I went over to her apt which was SO much nicer than ours. Shes so funny.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

The Lord is watching out for me.

So I moved in yesterday! yeah! i have lots of crap lol. All my roommates rock! Sarah, Elizabeth and Taylor. Ok let me just tell you. So i called Morgan Tuesday on my moms cell phone so she wouldnt know it was me and the first thing i said was, You better have a reason from the moon for why u didnt show up yesterday! and she goes what? who is this? and i go this is Cortney and do u know what she said? she goes Cortney who? I go Morgan what other Cortney do u know? And she hung up the phone. So anyway i moved in and Sarah is from Nashville. I told her about my story and she said that the Greenday concert had been POSTPONED. Not even kidding you. I dont know when the new date is but i might take her with me and then she can show me around lol. I swear God loves me lol. Dont tell Morgan though, i still want my money for what she did to me.

Monday, August 15, 2005

im glad im suppose to be at my Green Day concert in Nashville right now. I would be there except for the fact that Morgan never showed up to meet me at the mall. I waited an hour in the heat for her and called her about 10 times. I called her house and her brother told me he had talked to her at noon when she was at work. That was the last that he heard from her. I am pist beyond belief.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Lasy dinner at home...

We went out to eat to Olive Garden tonight for my dad's birthday today. He's the big 50 lol. Haha i noticed after the water was introducing whatever he was looking around making eye contact and when he did with me he immediately looked at my boobs! HAHA! Ive never actually caught someone doing it but i saw his eyes move down lol. Probably b/c i had on my sundress and it was somewhat low. No cleavage cause i dont have any lol but yes he looked. I thought it was funny cause he looked 30ish.

Gotta go get books tomorrow for escuela. Casey told me i could end up with like tons of books per class. She said she has one class with 6 books! I thought that was wild until Lauren told me she had a class with 11 or 13, cant remember which. Thats crazy. I never really thought about it actually. I hope i dont have tons of books to carry around cause i dont have time to go back to my apartment cause classes are back to back. Oh yeah i remembered that my first 2 classes on MWF are in the same building lol. One is upstairs and one is down. I wont be late for those hopefully.

Oh yeah i talked to one of my roommates and she said she was gonna bring an extra TV for the living room if i didnt already have one and i was like well sure! please bring! lol cause i just figured we'd all take turns putting our tvs in there if we wanted to watch together. Oh yeah and she doesnt smoke and shes bringing her car. I think she gets drunk though cause i read her away message one day and it said "getting hammered for the last time with my boys." Thats comforting. One of my other roommates is NOT bringing a car. Thats wonderful. No ones talked to the other one. Well i already decided that im gonna show them around town no doubt since im from here, but im NOT gonna be there chauffeur. Cause i hope the other girl brings a car. I dont mind showing them where stuff is as long as I dont drive every time. And i told Taylor, if one of the other girls smoke, im gonna tell them the first day that they cant go in there room and smoke with the door shut or go outside cause im not gonna have my stuff or myself for that matter smell like smoke. Too bad. Not in my house.

Im proud of myself!!! When we went bowling after Wendy's dinner rehearsal last week, i had my first witnessing conversation with the groom. I remember him cussing and i said, Clean up, get in church, in like a joking manner and he said something and then we got into this conversation. I was thinking *Yes Cortney! This is a time to witness! Do Jesus' work!* He's a *Christian* like he believes in Jesus and Trinity and all but it was this convo about living like your suppose to and churches and all. I tried to rub off on him. Hope it worked. I've decided its gonna be VERY important for me to be Christlike at school this year. I mean obviously I always try to be that way its just gonna be alot different since im not at a Christian school anymore. Influence and first impressions are key. And i also thought that the Christian husband I hope God sends me I meet in college. And then i realized college starts next week. Ive gotta get involved. Krista was right, where there is church and church stuff on campus, there will also be church boys there as well lol. The Baptist Student Union is calling my name already.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

I miss Boyd :( .....

Me and my mom went out shopping yesterday. I went to get curtains for my room and a pillow for my chair at walmart. I got a pillow but the curtains were poo so we left and went to look at Northgate. Well at Pennys, they had a very cute idea of white, sheer curtains with all different colors of ribbon hanging from the top, so they could blow in the wind. It was very cute and i thought it would be good if we could use red and it would match my room. So were gonna do that and see how it turns out. My room is now going to have like all red and blue. It was all pink and orange which i loved, but i found bedding i liked just as well as my original and it was ALOT cheaper so we sent it back and got 300$ lol. I got my bargain lamps in the mail too. Oh well at the mall i found a 36$ skirt on sale for $12.99!!!! Its so cute too! Very office looking. And then i ran into Katlyn and Joseph at Payless. It was good to see them cause i havent seen her all summer. She looked very pretty. They had just come from registration. She said the football games are gonna be played at home though, so thats great. One next friday baby, yeah! She said coach Johnston wasnt leaving as everyone had heard.

Um...we went out again today too. Lets see..went to Goodyear to get my car worked on, went to Walmart for curtain accessories, went to Khols and i might add they had the cutest earrings and shoes! I never like shoes there but they had super cute heels. I tried on like 8 pairs lol. And then we went to Michaels and we went to Moes! I liked it so much on my trip that i got my mom to come with me. Weve decided were gonna split a burrito next time cause i cant eat it all with the chips. Too much food. Im glad me and mom are going out more now though. I know shes gonna be sad when i move out. I know im right downtown and im done everyday by 11 and we can still go shop, but i know she'll be sad. Plus she has to have her knee replaced in September, so she wont be fully healed from that till Christmas or more. Oh and then we went to school to get boxes for me to pack stuff in. It was sad cause i wanna go back to school monday *tear*. Oh and then we went to get my last shot at the dr. Good no more shots for a while. Oh and i saw this guy from the side while i was in line at the dr who looked JUST LIKE Ryan Gosling, u know Noah from the Notebook? Yes he was beautiful. Tall, skinny, jeans and a tshirt and a ball cap on. He had the blonde hair, but his side burns were a little more curly. Haha fun to look at and see though.

Sunday, August 7, 2005

Wendy and Ryan's Wedding

Well the wedding went very well i must say. I went to get my hair done at 11 yesterday and Trish did a great job. It looked better than it did at Jr/Sr. I ended up taking out like 20 bobbypins last night though lol. So then i went to the house where we were getting ready and where the reception was at the Marina at 3:30. I went downstairs and found Wendy and put my stuff up. I did some of her makeup too cause she already had some on. But her hair looked great too. Well then i did Rachel's makeup, which i have to say, i think i did the best on her for some reason. I dunno why but she just looked emacualate lol. Well then i found out im gonna be doing her hair too. I kinda cringed cause she has a million layers in her hair. But I put it up and curled it and stuck some bobbypins in it so it just wasnt a ponytail. It didnt look so great but u couldnt tell cause her hair was dark. And i had like 5 minutes to do Jennifer's makeup cause we had to hurry and get dressed to do pictures.

Wendy looked beautiful in her dress and jewelry. So i think we all got put on our dresses and went to take some pictures. The pictures are gonna look great. The photographer took some of us upstairs around the column that had ivy on it and some in the bedroom on the bed and on the pool table! Haha those are gonna look great. It sounds odd, but it was very cute.

Well we were waiting to go down to the island and we look outside and its about to downpour. I felt so bad for Wendy cause i know she must have worried to death. But God must have listened because it didnt rain a drop during the ceremony. But anyway once she went, us 3 bridesmaids and Wendy's mom crammed into a golf cart and were driven down there lol. The 3 of us were hanging off the back. They took a picture too lol it was vert cute. Well then we started walking down to the end of the dock which was harder than i expected cause our heels got caught in the spaces of the wood. But it was all good. I got nervous when i finally had to walk cause i was first, lucky me. But everything turned out ok. Wendy looked beautiful when she arrived in the boat. They had a song by Charlotte Church playing that was very pretty. I was worried about her getting off the boat too cause the wind had picked up and her dress wasnt too poofy but it was heavy. She had 3 guys helping her off though and she said it wasnt any problem. I was expecting her and her dad to bawl the whole time but they didnt shed a tear. I was proud of her lol.

Everything went very smooth and it was so short too. It was like 10 mins if not less. I was nervous about the exit though cause we didnt practice that at all during rehearsal for some reason. But i went and grabbed Joseph's arm and walked out lol no problem. He was absolutely stunning in his tux but it was kinda a bummer though cause he didnt pay any attention to me at all. Mallory from school was helping at the reception and they were all over each other the whole time. I found out some not so good stuff from his sister about him though which is good i guess. Hes not so great. No future. No church. No virginity. Cheats. Too many no nos.

But then we had to wait afterwards to take pictures together. It wasnt soo bad our feet were killing us though cause the shoes werent comfortable. We were barefoot for the rest of the night though lol. We ended up taking the entire bridal party picture on the pool table lol. I realized i was the only person in the bridal party who WAS NOT a family member lol. Haha it was kinda funny now that i think about it. Well anyway me and Rachel didnt know anyone at the reception so we stayed downstairs and talked lol. They barely had any food though. They had ity bidy sandwiches, peanuts, mints, punch and cake. That was it. So we got cake, which was SO good and punch. I was really too tired to eat since i had gone to bed at 2 the night before and gotten up at like 8 and i couldnt take a nap cause i would have messed up my hair. So i think i left around 9:45 or so. Haha it was so funny cause Jennifer said she wanted a Krystal and i said that sounded good and when i got home my parents had gone to get some, not knowing i wanted any and got me 2 lol. I was so excited lol. Im gonna scan some bsb pics and somehow show them to yall lol. I think Lauren wants to post them with hers.

Saturday, August 6, 2005

Well Wendy's wedding is today. Haha 3 W's. We had dinner rehearsal last night. It went pretty well i guess. Im just worried about it raining today since its an outdoor wedding. Shes getting married at the Harrison Bay Marina right down from my house on this little island thats there. Its very cute. Shes coming in on a big boat and us 3 bridesmaids are gonna walk across the bridge/dock to the island. Theres a massive tent set up for everyone to sit under and all but i dont think theres gonna be enough room. Theres gonna be 200+ people there i think. Were all gonna sweat all our makeup off too. So hott.

Ohh well anyway the groomsman i get to walk with is ubercute!!!! His name is Joseph and he's Wendy's cousin. And then the other bridesmaid, Rachel, is his sister. Both Wendy's cousins are in the wedding and theyre brother and sister. Is that confusing? Well anyway he looks like Josh Groban. Super curly hair, kinda fair skinned. Hes very cute. But anyway all the bridesmaids had planned on staying the night with Wendy last night for a girls night and plus im doing everyones make up. It turned out better than i thought too. I was kinda worried but they all loved it so its all good. But we did all go bowling last night and the groom and an usher and Joseph went.

Well come to find out, Wendy said something to Joseph in the car before we went bowling. She goes, "So there were some girls that thought u were cute tonight." She did not say it was me and i asked his sister and she didnt say anything to him but he guessed that it was me! He said something like he thought he knew which one and was like is it that blonde girl? haha i cracked up but it freaked me out cause i didnt really say a word to him at the rehearsal. Well anyway she said he smiled and laughed and said something. But she said he seemed very happy so i dunno. He is from out of town though, Rome. Not too far but still. Well i got my hair did today at 11 and it looks awesome, i just hope it stays and my makeup doesnt melt away. But anyway it should be good. I'll update hopefully add pics later!

Thursday, August 4, 2005

Senior Church Trip To Florida!

Woo! Im back baby! And that was the most awesome trip. Well if i didnt post about it before, this trip was called the Amazing Pace cause it was nonstop and we also didnt know where we were going. A new place everyday. We got clues for everything. My dad kinda spilled the beans for me though cause i wanted to know lol.

So lets see I got to church saturday at 9 and I see Blaine and Andrew there. And then Eddy (youth minister) appears and so does Krista (his daughter) so that was a relief cause i didnt really know anyone on the trip. Like i knew who they were but not like friendwise cause they all go to first service. But Krista is an intern this summer. So anyway come to find out, Katie, other girl going, is no longer coming. So its a total of 7 of us. Eddy, 4 boys and me and Krista. Which was good though cause i liked it with a smaller group and me and Krista got our own bed EVERYWHERE we went haha. So anyway we take off toward Florida. Eddy also kept the bus -5 degrees. I wish i would have known that cause i was so cold the entire trip. But Krista let me borrow her blanket on the way down cause she didnt need it so it was all good. Umm...we got to Tampa about 7ish that night. We went and found our rooms, which were ok, but hey i cant complain cause i got my own bed lol. But we all went and swam in the pool which was huge.

So then the next day we went to Busch Gardens!!! WOO!!! It was awesome! Its set up just like Animal Kingdom. All African and animals everywhere. It was ubercool. There were TONS of rollercoasters too. So the 2nd coaster there was called Sheikra. Im pretty sure Blaine and I didnt ride it cause we were terrified and i like rollecoasters. Now this ride was 200ft in the air and then it takes u around this little bend and u know what it does? It takes u to the edge and there is a 90 degree drop probably 100ft. Its straight down, no curve ANYWHERE. Its like falling off a cliff. It looked horrifying. Too much for me lol. So then we ate lunch at this great restaurant that overlooked the fields so u could see all the animals. That was really cool. And then we saw this awesome show that was Lion Kingish. And then we went back to the hotel.

Day 2 we went to Busch Gardens waterpark. I was excited about going but waterparks absolutely kill my feet cause im barefoot on concrete the whole time. Im pretty sure i rode one ride that when i got out, my bathing suit had been made into a thong. No joke. I had on shorts so u couldnt see but still. And then another ride shot water right up my butt that it hurt to walk. But other than that it was a good day. Ohh haha that night was the best. We went back to the hotel and got ready to go out. Eddy said we needed to dress up nice. So all the guys brought like coats and ties and me and Krista brought dresses. So were all dressed up and look real nice and we get there and NO ONE is dressed up. Everyone is in shorts and t shirts. We went to Al Capone's, which was dinner and a show. It was very cute. All the girls and guys that worked there had wigs and were dressed as flappers and the guys all looked like gangsters and everyone had horrible yankee accents. They were rude to u too haha. The show was like Chicago too. The girls also did a rendition of Cell Block Tango which was good but it was only 3 girls. Now let me just say our waiter was very cute and very cordial to me, or so it seemed. I was kinda confused by what he said cause i didnt know if it was part of his character or if it was him ya know what i mean? So we sit down and were about to get up to go to the buffet and Eddy asked our waiter if it would be ok to leave my purse there at the table cause i didnt want anyone to grab it obviously. And he was like yada yada yeah it'll be fine and he was like dont worry sweetheart i got your back. Haha it was funny. Well then at a part during the show he came over to tell us something to do and he put his hand on my back, which he didnt have to cause he didnt need to lean on anything lol. And then at the end when we were leaving, Eddy handed him an extra 20$ for a tip cause he had already paid the tip and bill before we went in. Well im about to walk out and he taps me on my shoulder and goes hey come here sweetheart. So i go over to a table with him and he starts digging in his pockets for something. Well he pulls out a little piece of paper and i was thinking HOLY CRAP hes giving me his number! Well i looked at it and it was a coupon for a free tshirt when we left. And i was like well thats kinda odd...and i showed Eddy and he was like it was probably because of that extra 20$ i gave him, which made my heart sink. I never even thought about it. So that kinda blew the night, but it was lots of fun.

So then we went to Universal Studios the next day which rocked. We barely waited in line for anything. Hmm..what else did we do...i forget.

Oh the next day was kinda our rest day. We went to Daytona and had an ocean view room with a little deck and we stayed at the beach all day. Brandon rented a golfcart and im pretty sure 6 of us crammed into this 4 person golf cart and took off down the beach. He kept swerving trying to tip the cart and took out every sandcastle he could find. It was so funny. And then we went out to eat seafood for dinner and we ended up going to a place that i had eaten at before when we went to Vickis which was funny. And then we went into some shops and i got some jewelry and then we drove past the speedway and went and rode golf carts and then went to baskin robbins. It was a good day. And then we packed up and came home today. We were suppose to go to St. Augustine to see the first schoolhouse in America but we decided not to and came home early instead lol. Kinda tired. Wanna go to bed. Hopefully put pics up later from BSB and aaron.

Friday, July 29, 2005

WOO! 6 Flags was awesome man! I went with Christin and her mom and one of her friends. Now let me just tell u, Superman, the rollercoaster, is the scariest thing EVER. U go and sit in the chair like normal, but they have feet guards that lock your feet in. Well once your in, your chair goes back and its like your hanging by your back. It looks like your superman, obviously lol. So u can put your arms out like your flying. Well Christin had to get in the front of all places and i thought i was gonna die lol. When u go up the big hill, you go down of course and then u go back up this look type thing and when u come down from that, it looks like your going 60mph straight to the ground. I was terrified. I kept my eyes closed after that lol. Lots of fun though. But im dead. I got into bed at 12 and got up at 10 and ive had to pack for my trip tomorrow lol. I have a church trip for Seniors and there not telling us where were going and its called the Amazing Pace. But my mom knows and I know were going to FL, which i already figured, and were going to Universal one day and a water park. And i assume were going to the beach sometime and we have some fancy fancy fancy dinner one night. Im excited about that cause im wearing my pretty dress i got. Oh yeah and theres only 3 girls going so its great. 3 girls, 5 guys (which includes our youth leader, so really 4). Were gonna have a great time. My mom says im gonna love it. I kinda hoped we go to like Savannah though since thats the beach too. But who knows, we might still.

Lauren did u know that tomorrow will be my 3rd time to Atlanta in one week????? Ive been there like 2 times in the past 4 years and now i go 3 times in one week. Bah. So i wont be updating for a while. I come back Thursday, dinner rehearsal friday and wendy's wedding saturday. Goll, im gonna fall over lol.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Aaron Carter Baby!

My word this is gonna be another super long post. Aaron Carter was the funniest and best thing ever last night.

So I was over at Ashley's yesterday afternoon and she said something about Aaron Carter coming here and i completely forgot about it! Cause me and Lauren had talked about going if she didnt have to work. Well speak of the devil she calls me like 10 mins after that and asks me if i wanna go and obviously i said yes. So i go over to her house at like 7ish and her friend Jessica was there too, she was going. And i had heard on the way there that the crowd was getting "thick" as they said on kiss fm lol. So before we get there, we went to the gas station and all got bottled waters cause we knew it would be so hot. Well we get there and see that theres this little stage with huge speakers stacked up. I mean this stage was ity bity. It had an awning over it and stuff, not big at all. It was right out front of where u go in to pay. So we go over there and we look around and its all these little girls everywhere. I dont mean like 13 year olds i mean like 8 or 9 year olds. They were very young. Lots of scantily clad girls walking around. We then realized that we were the oldest ones there other than parents. All these parents had parked their chairs down and were sitting.

So we sit down a while and wait and we see this little gate thing that was like 3ft high. So we walked over to the Kiss FM tent that was up and asked the guy if we could get in past the gate cause it was like VIP lol. I mean this thing was like 10 to 15ft max from the stage, it wasnt a real barricade. You were still close even if u were in the back. Well anyway the guy was laughing and was like sorry your not on the list. Well Jessica had some connections and went over to Riggs and talked to him and he was like Yeah go on in lol. So we squealed and went in with all this little girls. Aaron Carter had an opening act too. Yes he did of someone i had never heard before obviously. But the guy was like yeah Kiss FM plays this one and i was they dont. Well anyway we slowly started getting closer to the stage. Well then i turn around and out of nowhere, there were these 5 girls like 15 or 16 behind us with signs screaming their heads off. I looked and noticed that one of them was Holly Gross who use to go to Boyd. She had a sign that said Will You Marry Me? You'll hear more about her in a minute.

So we look and Aaron came in a Winnebago. Not kidding. He didnt have a bus, he had a Winnebago. So he comes out and everyone goes wild. He had on a t shirt i think with a cowboy hat. He also had 2 dancers with him and a DJ. So let me just tell you when he came out him and his dancers started all this wild dancing and me, Lauren and Jessica were laughing so hard at the sheer fact that we were there actually watching this madness. We laughed the whole time just cause it was funny to watch him and everyone around us. So he started doing all these flips and stuff and showing off for everyone. Oh and he dances MUCH better than Nick lol. Well he actually danced more than he sang, which i think is better cause he semi raps/talks his songs. Well anyway he decides to bring up a girl to sing to. And u know who he picks? Holly Gross. She looked gross. She had on this top where it was obvious she had on a push up bra cause her boobs were EVERYWHERE. Well he sat her down and like walked her around stage and got her to hug him all over and kissed him on the cheek. Well after the serenade, her and her 4 friends went around stage for the rest of the show. So as the concert starts to end, all 3 of us got pushed closer to the stage cause we kept reaching for his hands lol. So finally we got close enough and Lauren and Jessica got to touch him but i missed him by like an inch. Well anyway the concert ends and we around back and wait for him to come out of his RV (BAHAHA).

So he meets the VIP girls and comes over to all of us and gives everyone an autograph. So i got one and he signed Jessica's gatorage bottle that he had drunk out of lol. So then she goes, can i get a picture with u? And he goes well if i give u one, i have to give everyone else one, but u can come to my hotel! Haha we freaked out at that one and it turns out he was at the Marriott. So we head over there and wait outside like 15 mins or so and he pulls up with security in this black car. Well we walk over to him and hes looking at us but then all these little softball girls come screaming out the door overtaking him. So hes signing stuff and taking pics and he gets one with Jess and Lauren but i still hadnt gotten one yet. So we go inside and he comes in and thank goodness Lauren asked him for one more pic with me cause i didnt wanna like annoy him since we had been around him so much lol. Goll, he was so skinny! He was shirtless in the pic too haha. Thanks Lauren!!!!

Well when we were in the lobby, Jess was bold enough to ask if we could come hang out with him lol. And to my amazement he said yes! Well he said let me take a shower first and i'll come back. So we waited and saw him walk to his room, which was in the middle of the hall. So we hang out a bit and wait and we see Holly Gross and her friends go down the hall into a hotel room, which wasnt his. I think she used Daddy's money to get her a room cause she was driving a mercedes at Sir Gooneys. Well we were waiting and this girl comes and talks to us and says she saw 5 girls go into his room and u could hear them giggling in there. So we walked down the hall and walked to about where his room was but we didnt hear anything until we got to the last room. We couldnt figure out how he or they changed rooms like they did, but then we saw that each room had like back glass doors that slid open. We were like aha. So we heard them all though and they were calling their friends for Aaron to talk to them. How stupid. Well even if Holly did sleep with him, no one is gonna believe her. We were pist lol. But we all got autographs and pics with him so its all good. Its been quite a Backstreet week i must say! lol. I hope my pics turn out good, my first camera from the concert did. I'll scan some and put them on here if i figure out how.

Monday, July 25, 2005

What a night....

Well let me warn you, this will be a very long post cause it was one of the best nights of my life.

So I got over to Lauren's house at 12 and go to her room and come to find Liz sitting on the bed. I was kinda nervous to meet her cause i didnt know how she'd be but we hit it off right away. She was great, i was so glad she was there. So we head out towards Atlanta and talk about everything backstreet known to man the entire way. Mostly about Nick and AJ though since Lauren loves Nick and Liz and I love AJ. Everything was fine until we were almost there and then we came almost to a dead stop cause traffic was crap. Well we finally got to the hotel and carried all our stuff to the room and we get in there and its not clean. Wet towels and unmade beds, gross. And to top it off it was like 105 in there WITH the air on. So Lauren and Liz were getting their stuff out to get ready to go and i was gonna take a shower and i was like in my bra and underwear with the water running and i hear a knock on the door. I was like what the crap? Cause i asked if anyone needed to use it for whatever reason before i went in there and they said no. I put on my shirt and pants, without buttoning them and i open the door and they both looked at me and burst out laughing. And they said that we were moving rooms to the 2nd floor. So i packed my stuff real quick and we went down there.

So i did get a shower and they got ready to go. They had to be at the venue at 4 so i was gonna get ready while they were there cause they said other fans who had won passes to previous concerts said the soundcheck was like 30-45 minutes. So they were gonna go and come back and get me since our hotel was 3 miles from the venue. Well then Waz, Liz's bf, showed up cause he and Liz were going to FL the next day. He was fun lol. He brought Liz's shitzu dog, Bouncer, too, he was very cute. So i started putting on my make up and then took my hair out of the towel and dried it and about this time it was like 4:45ish or so. So i thought well there gonna be back by 5 at the latest. So me and Waz talked some and watched some tv and then i decided to go ahead and be ready by the time they got there. So i went and put on my clothes and was ready to go and all and then it was like 5:30 and the show started at 7, so i was like holy crap where are they? And i didnt wanna call them cause i didnt wanna interrupt anything and then Liz called Waz and said that when they were in the soundcheck thing they had told them to hang out afterwards and then they scanned their tickets into the show. Well Liz and Lauren were on their way out to come get me and the lady goes sorry once your in, you cant leave since your tickets are already scanned. Lauren and Liz both laughed and thought she was joking, but she wasnt. So Waz took me, thank the Lord he was there. And Lauren called me on the way and i go, DID U MEET THEM?!?!?!? and she goes YES! I gasped like i'd never had air before in my life and talked to her real quick and then said i'd get details when i got there. So he drops me off and Oh my word, there were SO many people in line to get in. Well i had my 2 tickets, my original in the center of the floor and 12th row. I was gonna try to sale my original ticket to a scalper or a fan who wanted one, but there was NO ONE even remotely around to buy anything. Liz and Lauren said theyre would be scalpers around for sure but i saw no one. I hoped in a super long line and asked some people if they wanted to buy a ticket but no one needed one obviously since they were in line to get in. I met 2 nice girls while standing in line too. So they finally opened like 5 doors or so and i heard this roar from the front and i was like Are they outside or something? But they were letting people in finally at 6. And no cameras were allowed and they were screaming that and had signs and all. Well being my sneaky little self i put one in my bag with little doodads and then one in my Elvis billfold thats like a mini purse. So i had 2, but they didnt check bags so it was all good.

So i get inside and for some reason they put the merchandise tent in the VERY front when people come in, so people wanna buy stuff but there also in the way of everyone else getting in. Well i was lost to begin with so i went to the bathroom 1st thing so i wouldnt have to leave my seat. So after that i start walking in a direction cause the signs werent helping and then i thought, Cortney, your going towards the middle, your seats are in front, go the other way. So i turned around and asked a staff member where to go and he pointed me in the direction. So i go and look and was WOWED by the seats. It always kinda scares me honestly cause its so ginormous and intimidating with all the steps. So i go down and show them by ticket and this little lady takes me to my seat. She was in front of me and just kept going and going and going. I thought she was taking me to the wrong row cause i was SO close. I could have peed on myself i was so excited. They were going to be DIRECTLY in front of me. I swear i had the best seat known to man. I had seat # 1, which i thought was bad cause i thought gonna be on the other end of the row, where i couldnt see anything. But instead i was in the aisle, SMACKDAB directly in front of the middle of the stage. Perfect view. Well then Lauren and Liz had 4th row and i saw them so i sprinted up to them and squealed with delight about how close i was until i sat down and they were like 5ft from the stage. Well anyway i sat there for a good while talking to them about meeting them and all. I told them before they left to give me every detail known to man. I wanted Liz to tell me how AJ smelled too for sure. Well if u want details about the meeting and pics, go to Lauren's journal and see and read. Sorry i dont know how to do the link lol.

So the first act came out, Kaci Brown, kinda Britney Spearish. She was cute. She sang 4 songs with 2 dancers. I liked her but Lauren and Liz werent too impressed lol. She was out of breath alot though and kept saying I love you too! And i was like, no one is saying that sweetie lol. But she had friends in about 7th row that she was winking at or whatever. But i stayed in that seat with the girls until the actual people came, which was after Kaci, so i got one act up close. Well then i went back to my seat and hung out for a while and then I noticed Liz looking for me so i waved my hand and her and Lauren were shouting something all excited and i couldnt understand them. So i sprinted up to them and they said that they had just seen Leighanne (brian's beautiful wife) and his baby boy, Baylee, was there. He is the most gorgeous child. White blonde, curly ringlet hair. So adorable. I didnt see Leighanne then but i kept looking for her and saw her a little bit later. Well then the Click 5 came on. I thought i was watching the Beatles lol. They had their 5 man band and all had on black suits with pink shirts. And i noticed 3 of them had the same hair cut. Very creepy lol. They sang like 5 songs maybe. They were very good. So then they played music for a while. Well i knew they were suppose to come out about 8:45 or 9 so i kept looking at my watch and when the music would stop, people would get ansy and start screaming or chanting. The chanting started and it was so great to hear. Oh and everyone also did the wave, which looked great lol. Well Johnny Wright came out too to talk to us. He came and told us to keep voting for I Just Want You To Know before it hits mtv so they cant say no one requested it cause they never played Incomplete. I saw it on VH1 more than mtv, i mean come on.

Oh finally the lights went out and everyone went wild. When it went black, i grabbed my camera was fast and i could and jumped up screaming. All the glowsticks were swinging and lights came on and lasers. They had like little video montages on the screen and some music played. Well i didnt think they were ever gonna come out cause the intro was so strong, but then...They all appeared DIRECTLY in front of me. All i could hear was a ROAR like a train was coming. They stood in their V shape that they do and just stood there with the pyro going off and girls shrieking like they were being chased by a murderer. I swear, my knees were locked and i was screaming and just gazing in awe at them and i could feel my knees literally shaking. Not just like a little but hardcore. I started crying like i always do at the beginning and just looked at them standing there in all their glory like 20ft in front of me. I could not believe it. It was like magic. Honestly after waiting for 4 years, i could not believe my eyes. Im always in shock when i see them right in front of me cause im just used to seeing them on tv and when im at a concert im like umm..thats not a tv screen...thats live.

Well apparently they sang The Call first, i honestly didnt remember it until Lauren told me this morning. I just kept looking back and forth at their faces trying to realize that they were real. And then i think they sang Beautiful Woman and then Nick came out with a guitar playing. Well Brian appeared and they started cracking jokes like they always do. I dont think they cannot have moments like that lol. So they played Climbing The Walls, which is my fav off the new album. It was great. Well i took lots of pics on my phone cause i could zoom in and some of those look good and i had 2 cameras to take pics on. I hope those turn out well. Well i noticed some snafoos. Kevin dropped his mic and Nick got stuck on his little platform when they were suppose to come up from the inside of the stage. Hmm....

Quintessential Backstreet Boy moments that rocked my sox off:

-Brian's leg lifting up with his arm slightly bent with a hard fist during a long note.
-Howie's hand showing us 1 during lyrics when it says 1.
-Howie putting his hand over his heart and doing the serving motion with his other hand.
-Howie doing his little salsa dance
-AJ doing his semi-rock on sign where his hand is pointed downward and he points
-Nick's smirks
-Nick's actions, facial expressions, tone of voice during Everybody when he sings his line "Am I sexual?"
-Kevin's horrific dancing

I was so close, i could see every facial expression they made. It was great. They had snow fall when they sang Siberia. It was very pretty, but Lauren told me it ended up being soap. Who knew? They had their hats and jackets for All I Have To Give and As Long As You Love me. They did a semi remix to I Want It That way. Haha i noticed during the video montages that there was one when they were younger and all in the pool and the crowd would just shriek. It was so funny. Kevin had on an argyle sweater with capris. YES he was wearing CAPRIS. I must say, Lauren was right, Howie did take a sexy pill. That boy looked SO FINE. He looked amazing in his tan t shirt and dark jeans. Haha he also has a belly now. Howie used to be pretty cut with awesome abs but u could tell when he moved in certain positions that it was hanging over his pants lol it was cute. AJ had a mohawk! It looked great! poor thing, his hairline looked so bad. It was receding horribly, but he still oozed sex. Omword i stared at him most of the night. Nick looked good too. He looked thinner. Lauren said he was very athletic looking almost like a football player.

Ya know they danced alot. I didnt expect them to. They danced during Larger Than Life, The Call and Everybody but they did little cute stuff during the midtempo songs. They did some robotic thing in like a circle that was very cute. And i think they did a hat dance but i could be wrong about that. Oh and they threw out like 2 blow up beach balls to the crowd. Well one was like 4 rows in front of me and they hit it back and it went right threw my hands! I was so mad! I screamed when it went by! The girl behind me had it and i looked at her and i was like can i have it? but i dont think she heard me and she hit it back into the crowd. Grr. They touched it and i was gonna keep it. They had awesome pyro during I just want you to know and i knew something was gonna happen cause AJ ran over and got on the band platform so i knew he was gonna jump off and this massive amount of sparks flew up from the back and scared the crap out of me. It was great. Kevin also played the piano which was nice. They had their encore too and Everybody was last. It was great cause it was a remix and they did the dance from the video. That made the night cause i didnt think they would. Then it was over. Oh yeah i forgot to mention that i snuck over like 4 rows cause people had left toward the end and stood there. And then the lights went out before the encore and i ran over to 5th row right behind Lauren and Liz cause the whole row had left. Haha i always move up lol.

So then we were on our way out, going up the stairs and we were gonna go outside and find their buses and see them leave. That must have made me excited cause i decided it would be a good idea to hurry, so i started like sprinting up the million stairs. I went over about 5 and fell smackdab on my face. It hurt so bad. Lauren and Liz were laughing so hard. Im sure it was funny though lol. Oh it hurt so bad. I ripped part of my toenail off, bruised my shin and both my elbows. They were like Yeah! take one for the team! it was so funny. So we went out and it was boiling outside. It felt like there was a heater on us. Well it turns out there were 2 or 3 different exits. So we saw some girls and they were doing exactly what we were and they said there coming another way. So we went another way and this staff guy was like telling us and some other girls that we were gonna be arrested and all this stuff. We were like whatever since were not trespassing. It was a backparking lot where anyone could have parked. So we went another way and saw some fans standing around. We went down there and the guards were like, they've already left, go on home and all this crap. I knew they were lying cause he was laughing when he said it. So we hung around for about an hour. Goll i looked like a piece of crap i was sweating so much. We met this woman that was down there too and she was like 40 something. She was from California and had come by herself to the West Palm Beach show 2 nights before. She got so lucky and was staying at their hotel. I mean what better luck could u have? Well she said Nick had a big blue bus for himself and said they were very nice to her in the hotel. I was like u came all the way to FL from CA and then to GA? And she was like yeah u cant just see this once lol. I was like good point lol. Oh and one of the guards was like come on guys lets go i wanna go home. He was like they left 30 minutes ago in a big bus. I walked over to him and go, "They all have individual buses" and he gave me some crap about 7 buses or whatever and said that they had a show tomorrow in Cleveland. I looked him straight and the face and go, No they dont have a show until Tuesday, i checked the schedule. And he made up some lame excuse about Kaci Brown having a gig up there and they all had to go, i was like u are full of s***. Please just for future referece, dont ever try to outsmart a backstreet boy fan because it will NOT work. Trust me, we know everything. Well then we finally left cause we decided they had gone out the other way if they had left.

Well one had eaten in like 12 hours cause we didnt have time so we went through McDonalds at midnight and got dinner lol. We finally got to bed about 1:30 and left around 9:30. Me and Lauren got home at a great time. There was no traffic this time. Man im gonna sleep well tonight. I'll try and post some pics when i get em developed.

Haha me and Lauren were saying we cant wait for the next concert. Depending on how well this tour goes they'll prob add a 2nd leg of US dates and they did that last time and came to Atlanta again. Johnny Wright also told us that Atl was the fastest selling show of any of the dates and it was sold out. Not an empty seat anywhere. Wonderful. Were going again!!!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

So let's look at this.

The 2 people im going to see a BSB concert with won passes to meet them.
The only problem is that there are 3 of us.
What to do?

This is my life dream and i have to sit and wait outside while my friends party with the people i've fawned and cried over for the past 6 years? Why? Well i need to think of a plan. I need some suggestions guys. I figured well, im going to go as far as i can with Lauren and Liz before the soundcheck and i can explain to whoever is there taking passes that there are 3 of us and to please let me in (yeah im sure that will work). Well when they say no, i plan on crying horribly and complaining that ive waited 6 years and all. I also am taking my i love bsb pages as proof and for the WOW factor. And if not, im going to sit right there and cry so the guard can see me after Lauren and Liz go in. Maybe there will be some pity. I mean come on whats the harm in 1 more person? If i can buy a pass i'll try that too. Im also gonna call Star 94 (atlanta radio station) and ask them about their VIP passes there giving out. In fact im gonna do that now.

Im open for any suggestions possible!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

lauren and liz won passes to meet the backstreet boys. My mouth is still open and its been 3 minutes. what am i gonna do? omword i think im gonna cry. i didnt think liz would actually win.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Woo!!!! I have a pretty journal!!!! It looks so good! Im so proud of myself! I even changed the colors all by myself with no help lol. Everything was originally green, but i made it blue. I just cant fix the title at the very top or one of the comments. That baffles me.

BACKSTREET BOYS!!!! Haha if this actually works, I will be in heaven thanks to lauren! AHHH!!!!! U'll find out what im talking about after the concert! 6 more days!!!!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2005

chicken pox are poo. There starting to dry up though thank goodness. When I got them all i was concerned about was my concert next week. Im so excited!!!!! But Lauren, if i wear something sleeveless, your gonna have to help me put some make up on the spots lol. You know what else is a bummer? I cant tell whats a zit and whats a chicken pock on my face, so i cant really wash my face well lol.

Really random entry, I know.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I have chicken pox :(

Saturday, July 9, 2005

Well Morgan spent last night here lol. It was wild. I havent seen her since graduation and i said we should go do something. So we went and ate at Fazolis and then went to see Bewitched, which i must say is absolutely the cutest movie. Allison was there with Shelby and her mom. Let's see....then we came home and i had rented some movies for the weekend cause my parents are going to Asheville tomorrow, so im gonna be alone all day. I got Vanity Fair, Napolean Dynamite and Finding Neverland. We watched Vanity Fair and then went to bed and then we watched almost all of Finding Neverland this morning. We watched until Kate Winslet died, so sad. I havent seen the end so no one comment on what happens lol. Hmm..Vanity Fair did not do that book justice. I didnt think so at least. They made the movie ALL about Becky Sharp (reese witherspoon) and in the book they talk just as much about Amelia Sedley (other main girl). I was kinda bummed. But i did realize the guy who plays Amelia's husband is the guy who played Elvis on the TV movie that was on before school was out. The Irish Elvis! Haha! Just as hott as ever. I kept thinking Elvis was in the movie when i was watching it lol.

Hmm...Oooh I went over to Ashleys yesterday and swam with her in her baby pool lol. Man that thing is huge! It could hold 3 people on floats cause me and he sat on floats and had plenty of room. I'd much rather swim in that than at the main neighborhood one.

2 weeks tomorrow till BSB! AHH!!!!

Thursday, July 7, 2005

Well I had another Backstreet boy dream last night, which was awesome. I think it would have went on longer if i hadnt gotten up to pee lol. So anyway i'm at a concert and theres some woman in the front that has like a golden ticket that shes holding up. So i run by and snatch it out of her hand and head backstage, apparently they were backstage passes. But i remember that part of the dream had something to do with Nsync, well it made me remember something about Nsync, something about All Access week on mtv years ago. Well anyway im back there and apparently i was fine until i realized i had forgotten my i love bsb folder. And for some reason Mackenzie was there and i walked over to her wailing and crying horribly cause i didnt have it. I remember saying, 6 years of writing and waiting and now nothing. I had left it at the bottom of my suitcase in the hotel. I dont know if she went and got it for me though cause i woke up. But anyway all of them were in this office type room at a table with those big rolly chairs. And i walked over and met AJ first, then Kevin, Nick and Brian. And the only one i didnt meet was Howie. And then the dream was over. It was a great dream. Its my 3rd BSB dream. Maybe this is a sign of things to come ...:)

17 days baby! AHH!

Friday, June 24, 2005

well i went and had shots today at the health department. That was fun let me tell u lol. There was a hott guy there though that me and my mom talked to. Well i went in and the woman started asking me all these questions and she goes, had chicken pox? and i go nope. She looked up at me and goes, u HAVENT had cp? and i was like nah lol. And she was like we need to talk in a minute then. So i was there for meningitis for school and she said i needed to get the chicken pox vaccine which is in 2 doses, so i had to come back and get another and then get a tetanus shot cause i didnt have it. So i got 2 today and get to go back and get 2 more next month! oh yay!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Well I went ballroom dancing tonight. Haha yes i did. Wendy called me and said her and Ryan (fiance) were gonna go and practice for free for the wedding. She wanted me and jennifer (other bridesmaid and future sister-in-law) to go. So me and her went to eat at Amigos and then went to dance. We all were so nervous going in cause none of us knew how to dance, even remotely. They had all these instructors there and they would dance with each other for show and then they'd play this music and the 2 male instructors would come over and make you dance with them and the female ones would do the same for the guys. It was so funny. Neither of the guys were very cute, but one looked like Napolean Dynamite. I told him that too lol. Then he did the voice and i about cried i was laughing so hard. Man i was so nervous though b/c i didnt know them and i couldnt dance. So im trying to make up a conversation while not stepping on his feet and getting the steps right. Its a challenge i must say. The other guy would tap the hand of the foot i was suppose to use and I would use the other, thats how bad it was lol.

Well the only reason they want you there is to suck u of your money, obviously and when they did their advanced dances for us, they go, u can dance like us in 2 easy classes! and i told my dad that and he goes yeah, its like weight loss commercials, u can be thin in 1 hour with this. I cracked up so hard.

Saturday, June 18, 2005


Friday, June 17, 2005


Well I went to good ole freshmen orientation today. It wasn't near as bad as I expected though. So i got up at 6:20, that was fun and we got there and I had to wait to take the math placement exam with everyone else. There are suppose to be 300 people per orientation session and i was near the front cause they put you in a movie category, for groups. I was in Animal House, what a perfect group for college lol. But anyway I was looking around, i didnt know a single soul. I figured since 26 out of 74 people in my class are going to utc, 1 would be there that i knew but i didnt know anyone. Well come to find out, everyone was asked who came from out of state, we had a Chicago, people gasped but then we had a California. Yes, California. Who would come to TN from CA? Well everyone i talked to was from out of town. I saw 1 red bank shirt, 1 mcallie and 1 baylor. That was it. Everyone else was from Memphis or so. One lady asked my parents where we were from and she goes, Chatt and the woman looked at her and goes what? Your from here? And we were like yeah and she thought everyone came from out of town to come here and i was like umm..okay yeah lol.

Well on the math, i walked in this huge room and sat down at a table with a group of girls, one of whom was insane. She was talking to some guy that at Music Fest or whatever in Memphis, her and her friend made fake "shrooms" as she called them and sold them to people and made 300$. She also decided to write "times up f****rs!" when she was done with her math test. She then proceeded to ask anyone if they wanted to go and smoke with her before our group met. Oh yeah and we were talking about roommates and i said something about only have 1 girl and she said something like that too and she was like hey let me get your # later and if i dont have anyone, i'll call you and i was like hell no. Man I can already see how different it is from Boyd, which I knew and expected. Every girl was scantily clad and I heard words flying everywhere.

Umm...we were all together like every hour or so and then would break up into our groups and get some stuff. We had all this crap to carry around all day. That sucked. Oh and there were only 2 places open to eat lunch, pizzeria and the grill works which was all hamburgers. All u got with the coupon voucher was 1 pizza slice or 1 hamburger. I got the hamburger. Well on my way to get ketchup, there was a girl in front of me and she said something and i was like u can sit with me if u want lol and she was like okay. Her name is Jessica and shes from Murfeesboro and her dad just got transfered here, so she decided to live with them and go to utc. She lives in soddy. I was like haha boon town lol. Shes really nice too. I was like too bad your not staying on campus, u could live with me. I felt bad for her though cause she was like I just moved away from all my friends and b/f and im in this town that i dont know anything about or have any friends. She was like can i call you sometime and go do something? I was like well sure sweetie lol. She said she didnt wanna be with her parents all the time and i was like i know how u feel. She was in my regular group but we got broken up into majors so she had to leave. So the Human Ecology group went to the education department. Human Ecology is like nursing and interior design too. We went into these rooms with some teachers and they helped us pick our classes. I think thats one of the hardest things ive ever done.

They gave us this MASSIVE list of every class that was available at the time and the teacher and times and days and hours and all. And since I think i wanna be an education major, they give u a list of things to take for the major. I found out i dont need a foreign language at all or a PE. Well PE isnt required anymore for Gen Ed. So those were 2 classes gone. So after i finally got it straight I ended up with 16 hours.

Biology 121 - principles of biology - MWF 9-9:50
Lab with that class - T at 10:50-12:40
English 121 - Rhetoric and Comp. - MWF 8-8:50
History 204 - US History since 1865 - TT 9:25 to 10:40
Music 111 - Intro to Music - MWF 10-10:50
Poli Sci 101 - American Gov. - TT 8-9:15

Then after that I was done and met my parents and we went and looked at my apartment building. They were impressed lol.

Oh yeah! Awesome news! On the Math Placement Test, u have to make a 20,30 or 40 and that means u dont have to take the classes that dont count. Well if u make a 5 or 15 u have to take 1 or 2 of those classes that dont count. I made a 20. Thank you very much i almost peed on myself when I saw that. I was counting on being in those classes anyway. I got by by a hair lol. Go me. Well thats about all for today. So glad its over.


Wednesday, June 15, 2005

So remember my problem i had about getting BSB tickets on friday cause of orientation? Well Lauren S is the best person i know cause i get to go to the concert with her and some friends and there gonna get my ticket for me and i can pay them back! I dont have to worry about a ride or getting a ticket! Shes awesome! And plus there awesome about getting close seats and they go hours before to try to meet them and last time Nick brushed up against her car she was so close!!!! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU LAUREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!