Monday, July 25, 2005

What a night....

Well let me warn you, this will be a very long post cause it was one of the best nights of my life.

So I got over to Lauren's house at 12 and go to her room and come to find Liz sitting on the bed. I was kinda nervous to meet her cause i didnt know how she'd be but we hit it off right away. She was great, i was so glad she was there. So we head out towards Atlanta and talk about everything backstreet known to man the entire way. Mostly about Nick and AJ though since Lauren loves Nick and Liz and I love AJ. Everything was fine until we were almost there and then we came almost to a dead stop cause traffic was crap. Well we finally got to the hotel and carried all our stuff to the room and we get in there and its not clean. Wet towels and unmade beds, gross. And to top it off it was like 105 in there WITH the air on. So Lauren and Liz were getting their stuff out to get ready to go and i was gonna take a shower and i was like in my bra and underwear with the water running and i hear a knock on the door. I was like what the crap? Cause i asked if anyone needed to use it for whatever reason before i went in there and they said no. I put on my shirt and pants, without buttoning them and i open the door and they both looked at me and burst out laughing. And they said that we were moving rooms to the 2nd floor. So i packed my stuff real quick and we went down there.

So i did get a shower and they got ready to go. They had to be at the venue at 4 so i was gonna get ready while they were there cause they said other fans who had won passes to previous concerts said the soundcheck was like 30-45 minutes. So they were gonna go and come back and get me since our hotel was 3 miles from the venue. Well then Waz, Liz's bf, showed up cause he and Liz were going to FL the next day. He was fun lol. He brought Liz's shitzu dog, Bouncer, too, he was very cute. So i started putting on my make up and then took my hair out of the towel and dried it and about this time it was like 4:45ish or so. So i thought well there gonna be back by 5 at the latest. So me and Waz talked some and watched some tv and then i decided to go ahead and be ready by the time they got there. So i went and put on my clothes and was ready to go and all and then it was like 5:30 and the show started at 7, so i was like holy crap where are they? And i didnt wanna call them cause i didnt wanna interrupt anything and then Liz called Waz and said that when they were in the soundcheck thing they had told them to hang out afterwards and then they scanned their tickets into the show. Well Liz and Lauren were on their way out to come get me and the lady goes sorry once your in, you cant leave since your tickets are already scanned. Lauren and Liz both laughed and thought she was joking, but she wasnt. So Waz took me, thank the Lord he was there. And Lauren called me on the way and i go, DID U MEET THEM?!?!?!? and she goes YES! I gasped like i'd never had air before in my life and talked to her real quick and then said i'd get details when i got there. So he drops me off and Oh my word, there were SO many people in line to get in. Well i had my 2 tickets, my original in the center of the floor and 12th row. I was gonna try to sale my original ticket to a scalper or a fan who wanted one, but there was NO ONE even remotely around to buy anything. Liz and Lauren said theyre would be scalpers around for sure but i saw no one. I hoped in a super long line and asked some people if they wanted to buy a ticket but no one needed one obviously since they were in line to get in. I met 2 nice girls while standing in line too. So they finally opened like 5 doors or so and i heard this roar from the front and i was like Are they outside or something? But they were letting people in finally at 6. And no cameras were allowed and they were screaming that and had signs and all. Well being my sneaky little self i put one in my bag with little doodads and then one in my Elvis billfold thats like a mini purse. So i had 2, but they didnt check bags so it was all good.

So i get inside and for some reason they put the merchandise tent in the VERY front when people come in, so people wanna buy stuff but there also in the way of everyone else getting in. Well i was lost to begin with so i went to the bathroom 1st thing so i wouldnt have to leave my seat. So after that i start walking in a direction cause the signs werent helping and then i thought, Cortney, your going towards the middle, your seats are in front, go the other way. So i turned around and asked a staff member where to go and he pointed me in the direction. So i go and look and was WOWED by the seats. It always kinda scares me honestly cause its so ginormous and intimidating with all the steps. So i go down and show them by ticket and this little lady takes me to my seat. She was in front of me and just kept going and going and going. I thought she was taking me to the wrong row cause i was SO close. I could have peed on myself i was so excited. They were going to be DIRECTLY in front of me. I swear i had the best seat known to man. I had seat # 1, which i thought was bad cause i thought gonna be on the other end of the row, where i couldnt see anything. But instead i was in the aisle, SMACKDAB directly in front of the middle of the stage. Perfect view. Well then Lauren and Liz had 4th row and i saw them so i sprinted up to them and squealed with delight about how close i was until i sat down and they were like 5ft from the stage. Well anyway i sat there for a good while talking to them about meeting them and all. I told them before they left to give me every detail known to man. I wanted Liz to tell me how AJ smelled too for sure. Well if u want details about the meeting and pics, go to Lauren's journal and see and read. Sorry i dont know how to do the link lol.

So the first act came out, Kaci Brown, kinda Britney Spearish. She was cute. She sang 4 songs with 2 dancers. I liked her but Lauren and Liz werent too impressed lol. She was out of breath alot though and kept saying I love you too! And i was like, no one is saying that sweetie lol. But she had friends in about 7th row that she was winking at or whatever. But i stayed in that seat with the girls until the actual people came, which was after Kaci, so i got one act up close. Well then i went back to my seat and hung out for a while and then I noticed Liz looking for me so i waved my hand and her and Lauren were shouting something all excited and i couldnt understand them. So i sprinted up to them and they said that they had just seen Leighanne (brian's beautiful wife) and his baby boy, Baylee, was there. He is the most gorgeous child. White blonde, curly ringlet hair. So adorable. I didnt see Leighanne then but i kept looking for her and saw her a little bit later. Well then the Click 5 came on. I thought i was watching the Beatles lol. They had their 5 man band and all had on black suits with pink shirts. And i noticed 3 of them had the same hair cut. Very creepy lol. They sang like 5 songs maybe. They were very good. So then they played music for a while. Well i knew they were suppose to come out about 8:45 or 9 so i kept looking at my watch and when the music would stop, people would get ansy and start screaming or chanting. The chanting started and it was so great to hear. Oh and everyone also did the wave, which looked great lol. Well Johnny Wright came out too to talk to us. He came and told us to keep voting for I Just Want You To Know before it hits mtv so they cant say no one requested it cause they never played Incomplete. I saw it on VH1 more than mtv, i mean come on.

Oh finally the lights went out and everyone went wild. When it went black, i grabbed my camera was fast and i could and jumped up screaming. All the glowsticks were swinging and lights came on and lasers. They had like little video montages on the screen and some music played. Well i didnt think they were ever gonna come out cause the intro was so strong, but then...They all appeared DIRECTLY in front of me. All i could hear was a ROAR like a train was coming. They stood in their V shape that they do and just stood there with the pyro going off and girls shrieking like they were being chased by a murderer. I swear, my knees were locked and i was screaming and just gazing in awe at them and i could feel my knees literally shaking. Not just like a little but hardcore. I started crying like i always do at the beginning and just looked at them standing there in all their glory like 20ft in front of me. I could not believe it. It was like magic. Honestly after waiting for 4 years, i could not believe my eyes. Im always in shock when i see them right in front of me cause im just used to seeing them on tv and when im at a concert im like umm..thats not a tv screen...thats live.

Well apparently they sang The Call first, i honestly didnt remember it until Lauren told me this morning. I just kept looking back and forth at their faces trying to realize that they were real. And then i think they sang Beautiful Woman and then Nick came out with a guitar playing. Well Brian appeared and they started cracking jokes like they always do. I dont think they cannot have moments like that lol. So they played Climbing The Walls, which is my fav off the new album. It was great. Well i took lots of pics on my phone cause i could zoom in and some of those look good and i had 2 cameras to take pics on. I hope those turn out well. Well i noticed some snafoos. Kevin dropped his mic and Nick got stuck on his little platform when they were suppose to come up from the inside of the stage. Hmm....

Quintessential Backstreet Boy moments that rocked my sox off:

-Brian's leg lifting up with his arm slightly bent with a hard fist during a long note.
-Howie's hand showing us 1 during lyrics when it says 1.
-Howie putting his hand over his heart and doing the serving motion with his other hand.
-Howie doing his little salsa dance
-AJ doing his semi-rock on sign where his hand is pointed downward and he points
-Nick's smirks
-Nick's actions, facial expressions, tone of voice during Everybody when he sings his line "Am I sexual?"
-Kevin's horrific dancing

I was so close, i could see every facial expression they made. It was great. They had snow fall when they sang Siberia. It was very pretty, but Lauren told me it ended up being soap. Who knew? They had their hats and jackets for All I Have To Give and As Long As You Love me. They did a semi remix to I Want It That way. Haha i noticed during the video montages that there was one when they were younger and all in the pool and the crowd would just shriek. It was so funny. Kevin had on an argyle sweater with capris. YES he was wearing CAPRIS. I must say, Lauren was right, Howie did take a sexy pill. That boy looked SO FINE. He looked amazing in his tan t shirt and dark jeans. Haha he also has a belly now. Howie used to be pretty cut with awesome abs but u could tell when he moved in certain positions that it was hanging over his pants lol it was cute. AJ had a mohawk! It looked great! poor thing, his hairline looked so bad. It was receding horribly, but he still oozed sex. Omword i stared at him most of the night. Nick looked good too. He looked thinner. Lauren said he was very athletic looking almost like a football player.

Ya know they danced alot. I didnt expect them to. They danced during Larger Than Life, The Call and Everybody but they did little cute stuff during the midtempo songs. They did some robotic thing in like a circle that was very cute. And i think they did a hat dance but i could be wrong about that. Oh and they threw out like 2 blow up beach balls to the crowd. Well one was like 4 rows in front of me and they hit it back and it went right threw my hands! I was so mad! I screamed when it went by! The girl behind me had it and i looked at her and i was like can i have it? but i dont think she heard me and she hit it back into the crowd. Grr. They touched it and i was gonna keep it. They had awesome pyro during I just want you to know and i knew something was gonna happen cause AJ ran over and got on the band platform so i knew he was gonna jump off and this massive amount of sparks flew up from the back and scared the crap out of me. It was great. Kevin also played the piano which was nice. They had their encore too and Everybody was last. It was great cause it was a remix and they did the dance from the video. That made the night cause i didnt think they would. Then it was over. Oh yeah i forgot to mention that i snuck over like 4 rows cause people had left toward the end and stood there. And then the lights went out before the encore and i ran over to 5th row right behind Lauren and Liz cause the whole row had left. Haha i always move up lol.

So then we were on our way out, going up the stairs and we were gonna go outside and find their buses and see them leave. That must have made me excited cause i decided it would be a good idea to hurry, so i started like sprinting up the million stairs. I went over about 5 and fell smackdab on my face. It hurt so bad. Lauren and Liz were laughing so hard. Im sure it was funny though lol. Oh it hurt so bad. I ripped part of my toenail off, bruised my shin and both my elbows. They were like Yeah! take one for the team! it was so funny. So we went out and it was boiling outside. It felt like there was a heater on us. Well it turns out there were 2 or 3 different exits. So we saw some girls and they were doing exactly what we were and they said there coming another way. So we went another way and this staff guy was like telling us and some other girls that we were gonna be arrested and all this stuff. We were like whatever since were not trespassing. It was a backparking lot where anyone could have parked. So we went another way and saw some fans standing around. We went down there and the guards were like, they've already left, go on home and all this crap. I knew they were lying cause he was laughing when he said it. So we hung around for about an hour. Goll i looked like a piece of crap i was sweating so much. We met this woman that was down there too and she was like 40 something. She was from California and had come by herself to the West Palm Beach show 2 nights before. She got so lucky and was staying at their hotel. I mean what better luck could u have? Well she said Nick had a big blue bus for himself and said they were very nice to her in the hotel. I was like u came all the way to FL from CA and then to GA? And she was like yeah u cant just see this once lol. I was like good point lol. Oh and one of the guards was like come on guys lets go i wanna go home. He was like they left 30 minutes ago in a big bus. I walked over to him and go, "They all have individual buses" and he gave me some crap about 7 buses or whatever and said that they had a show tomorrow in Cleveland. I looked him straight and the face and go, No they dont have a show until Tuesday, i checked the schedule. And he made up some lame excuse about Kaci Brown having a gig up there and they all had to go, i was like u are full of s***. Please just for future referece, dont ever try to outsmart a backstreet boy fan because it will NOT work. Trust me, we know everything. Well then we finally left cause we decided they had gone out the other way if they had left.

Well one had eaten in like 12 hours cause we didnt have time so we went through McDonalds at midnight and got dinner lol. We finally got to bed about 1:30 and left around 9:30. Me and Lauren got home at a great time. There was no traffic this time. Man im gonna sleep well tonight. I'll try and post some pics when i get em developed.

Haha me and Lauren were saying we cant wait for the next concert. Depending on how well this tour goes they'll prob add a 2nd leg of US dates and they did that last time and came to Atlanta again. Johnny Wright also told us that Atl was the fastest selling show of any of the dates and it was sold out. Not an empty seat anywhere. Wonderful. Were going again!!!!!