Saturday, April 30, 2005

Blood Assurance

Well let me update on my giving blood. That was quite an experience i must say. So i was signed up to give at 1:10. Oh let me just say that first period that day I was writing prayer requests on the board and Coach brown was asking everyone who was giving. And he goes, let me tell you the most important thing about giving blood okay? So were all listening real close and he goes, if u have any ounce of stress or nervousness in u, you'll pass out. My face just dropped and then he goes, just kidding. Oh my goodness i was so relieved. I mean i had no reason not to believe him. So anyway Meenal and Megan Applewhite were giving blood when i was so we all went together and i was the first one in the little room. She asked me all those questions and checked my iron. Now i figured i might not have enough iron to give cause Valerie and Amber didnt, but i did. So they lay me down and they were like, which arm do u want us to use and i remember them taking blood at the doctor before and they told me a certain arm to use, but i couldnt remember so i said left. So I lay down and turn towards the window so i dont see anything. I had my eyes closed most of the time actually. But anyway i think what hurt the most was when they put that elastic around my arm to find a vein. The IV didnt hurt really, but im pretty sure i thought i was going to die when my blood stopped coming out all of a sudden. The woman came over and started pushing on my vein to make the blood come. I layed there and cried like a baby. It hurt so bad. I was moaning. And then she goes, well if we dont get the bag full, we cant use it and its worthless. I was like well thats great! But i finally got done after like 20 minutes and got my shirt. Wasnt too bad. Im still waiting to find out my blood type though.

Oh yeah the Biltmore was fun. Kinda boring though. The mountains looked like ireland though. That made me happy. And we watched one of the funniest movies ever, What About Bob with RIchard Dreyfuss and Bill Murray. Me and Ashley sat there and cracked up the whole time. Woo. Im gonna have to watch that one soon.