Thursday, June 23, 2005

Well I went ballroom dancing tonight. Haha yes i did. Wendy called me and said her and Ryan (fiance) were gonna go and practice for free for the wedding. She wanted me and jennifer (other bridesmaid and future sister-in-law) to go. So me and her went to eat at Amigos and then went to dance. We all were so nervous going in cause none of us knew how to dance, even remotely. They had all these instructors there and they would dance with each other for show and then they'd play this music and the 2 male instructors would come over and make you dance with them and the female ones would do the same for the guys. It was so funny. Neither of the guys were very cute, but one looked like Napolean Dynamite. I told him that too lol. Then he did the voice and i about cried i was laughing so hard. Man i was so nervous though b/c i didnt know them and i couldnt dance. So im trying to make up a conversation while not stepping on his feet and getting the steps right. Its a challenge i must say. The other guy would tap the hand of the foot i was suppose to use and I would use the other, thats how bad it was lol.

Well the only reason they want you there is to suck u of your money, obviously and when they did their advanced dances for us, they go, u can dance like us in 2 easy classes! and i told my dad that and he goes yeah, its like weight loss commercials, u can be thin in 1 hour with this. I cracked up so hard.