Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Aaron Carter Baby!

My word this is gonna be another super long post. Aaron Carter was the funniest and best thing ever last night.

So I was over at Ashley's yesterday afternoon and she said something about Aaron Carter coming here and i completely forgot about it! Cause me and Lauren had talked about going if she didnt have to work. Well speak of the devil she calls me like 10 mins after that and asks me if i wanna go and obviously i said yes. So i go over to her house at like 7ish and her friend Jessica was there too, she was going. And i had heard on the way there that the crowd was getting "thick" as they said on kiss fm lol. So before we get there, we went to the gas station and all got bottled waters cause we knew it would be so hot. Well we get there and see that theres this little stage with huge speakers stacked up. I mean this stage was ity bity. It had an awning over it and stuff, not big at all. It was right out front of where u go in to pay. So we go over there and we look around and its all these little girls everywhere. I dont mean like 13 year olds i mean like 8 or 9 year olds. They were very young. Lots of scantily clad girls walking around. We then realized that we were the oldest ones there other than parents. All these parents had parked their chairs down and were sitting.

So we sit down a while and wait and we see this little gate thing that was like 3ft high. So we walked over to the Kiss FM tent that was up and asked the guy if we could get in past the gate cause it was like VIP lol. I mean this thing was like 10 to 15ft max from the stage, it wasnt a real barricade. You were still close even if u were in the back. Well anyway the guy was laughing and was like sorry your not on the list. Well Jessica had some connections and went over to Riggs and talked to him and he was like Yeah go on in lol. So we squealed and went in with all this little girls. Aaron Carter had an opening act too. Yes he did of someone i had never heard before obviously. But the guy was like yeah Kiss FM plays this one and i was they dont. Well anyway we slowly started getting closer to the stage. Well then i turn around and out of nowhere, there were these 5 girls like 15 or 16 behind us with signs screaming their heads off. I looked and noticed that one of them was Holly Gross who use to go to Boyd. She had a sign that said Will You Marry Me? You'll hear more about her in a minute.

So we look and Aaron came in a Winnebago. Not kidding. He didnt have a bus, he had a Winnebago. So he comes out and everyone goes wild. He had on a t shirt i think with a cowboy hat. He also had 2 dancers with him and a DJ. So let me just tell you when he came out him and his dancers started all this wild dancing and me, Lauren and Jessica were laughing so hard at the sheer fact that we were there actually watching this madness. We laughed the whole time just cause it was funny to watch him and everyone around us. So he started doing all these flips and stuff and showing off for everyone. Oh and he dances MUCH better than Nick lol. Well he actually danced more than he sang, which i think is better cause he semi raps/talks his songs. Well anyway he decides to bring up a girl to sing to. And u know who he picks? Holly Gross. She looked gross. She had on this top where it was obvious she had on a push up bra cause her boobs were EVERYWHERE. Well he sat her down and like walked her around stage and got her to hug him all over and kissed him on the cheek. Well after the serenade, her and her 4 friends went around stage for the rest of the show. So as the concert starts to end, all 3 of us got pushed closer to the stage cause we kept reaching for his hands lol. So finally we got close enough and Lauren and Jessica got to touch him but i missed him by like an inch. Well anyway the concert ends and we around back and wait for him to come out of his RV (BAHAHA).

So he meets the VIP girls and comes over to all of us and gives everyone an autograph. So i got one and he signed Jessica's gatorage bottle that he had drunk out of lol. So then she goes, can i get a picture with u? And he goes well if i give u one, i have to give everyone else one, but u can come to my hotel! Haha we freaked out at that one and it turns out he was at the Marriott. So we head over there and wait outside like 15 mins or so and he pulls up with security in this black car. Well we walk over to him and hes looking at us but then all these little softball girls come screaming out the door overtaking him. So hes signing stuff and taking pics and he gets one with Jess and Lauren but i still hadnt gotten one yet. So we go inside and he comes in and thank goodness Lauren asked him for one more pic with me cause i didnt wanna like annoy him since we had been around him so much lol. Goll, he was so skinny! He was shirtless in the pic too haha. Thanks Lauren!!!!

Well when we were in the lobby, Jess was bold enough to ask if we could come hang out with him lol. And to my amazement he said yes! Well he said let me take a shower first and i'll come back. So we waited and saw him walk to his room, which was in the middle of the hall. So we hang out a bit and wait and we see Holly Gross and her friends go down the hall into a hotel room, which wasnt his. I think she used Daddy's money to get her a room cause she was driving a mercedes at Sir Gooneys. Well we were waiting and this girl comes and talks to us and says she saw 5 girls go into his room and u could hear them giggling in there. So we walked down the hall and walked to about where his room was but we didnt hear anything until we got to the last room. We couldnt figure out how he or they changed rooms like they did, but then we saw that each room had like back glass doors that slid open. We were like aha. So we heard them all though and they were calling their friends for Aaron to talk to them. How stupid. Well even if Holly did sleep with him, no one is gonna believe her. We were pist lol. But we all got autographs and pics with him so its all good. Its been quite a Backstreet week i must say! lol. I hope my pics turn out good, my first camera from the concert did. I'll scan some and put them on here if i figure out how.