Sunday, September 4, 2005

Well school is good. Besides the monsoon we had tuesday. And for some reason i decided to wear a skirt that was flowy and the wind was HORRIBLE, so i was trying to hold my purse, umbrella and skirt down all at the same time. I looked like i was at boyd again. Yeah and i forgot i had on red underwear under a blue skirt. Classic day. I also got a coffee to get warm with that was only a shot and i paid for a medium cup. I didnt know it was a shot until after i got it. Pist me off.

I went to Government the other day and my teacher didnt show up. We had a prelaw club presentation which lasted 5 mins and its an hour and a half class. So me and a girl in there went to the UC and talked for a while. Good way to make friends i must say lol. I also found out a girl in my English and Music class is taking aerobics so ill know someone next week.

Oh yeah im thinking about getting my nose pierced! Im so excited about it cause im pretty sure im gonna do it. My roommate, Taylor, has it done and i was asking her about it when she went to buy new studs. Well then i started noticing alot of girls had it done and it looked so cute. Its so small too. Taylor said she could barely find the hole when she took her stud out. It looks like a little piece of glitter on your nose. Taylor said it didnt hurt either, but i dunno about that one lol. Its only 27$ at standard ink right down from my apartment. She keeps bugging me about it too for fun lol. But all of my roommates decided to get something pierced together. Taylor kinda wants her belly button done and i think sarah wants something in her ear. I dunno but i warned my parents about it. My mom was like, please dont do that. Why? Please dont do that lol. But its my money and my body and i told them dont be surprised if i come home with it done one weekend. They probably wont even notice. Ill keep ya posted.