Thursday, December 1, 2005

What a day!

Well I sure did have an eventful day. I had a my final gov. test today (praise Jesus) which was an essay. We got a list and I studied my questions and I only really knew 2 out of the 5 I studied. And we had to sign up to type or write it out and I typed it and the 2 groups had different questions to choose from. Well dog my cat i got 1 of the 2 i knew! haha! Oh goll then i had an hour to kill till History and I called Allison after the test cause we only had 30 mins to take it and she answered and was like Hello? in this horrible voice. And I was like Allison, this is Cortney. And she goes huh? And i was like please dont tell me your in bed. And she was still confused and I go U MISSED THE TEST! And she realized finally and was like WHAT? And she freaked out. Goll I felt bad for her and she didnt know what to do. And i was like go see him now and explain and then she realized she could probably take it during his next gov class so im sure thats what happened. I gotta call her. She set 3 alarms poor thing.

Oh then Tina came and sat with me after the test and she said I could have her Educ 201 book and notes for next semester since she has all the answers. haha. Oh yeah and then she asked me if i wanted to possibly go to gatlinburg saturday so she could shop for her husband for xmas. I was like well sure lol. Dont know about that for sure yet. Shes the one that works at St. Johns. She also said some girls might be quitting next semester so maybe I can get my job back which would be heaven.

I bought Adam's hoodie for xmas. Taylor and I went and used my mellow mushroom/bijou gift card today. Yes Ive had it since last Halloween. Haha. We could get a medium pizza and our movie tickets. Great deal. Awesome pizza too. There was a table of middle aged men that perked up when we walked in though. They were like straining to see us cause we were sitting behind them. Kinda gross. Oh yeah and we saw Harry Potter which rocked my socks off. Very good. At the quidditch championship, the Irish team rocked my socks off!!!!! I loved the little leprechaun!

I got a 30 out of 30 on my last english paper, which means i got a 100 on my final which i dont have to take since she takes our highest essay grade. Bahaha! Its funny though cause I told Kerra to watch her give everyone a 30 so we wont take the exam and Kerra and Leigh Anne both got 30's so i think thats what shes doing, so i technically didnt get a 30, but its fine with me lol. I gotta go get it tomorrow to see the comments. I also got an 86 in my lab which is AMAZING since i did so horrible in there. And i have an 84 in Biology so as long as i do well on the final i should have a solid B. Im not too worried about my grades anymore. I was sweatin it all along but now its not so bad. I just gotta keep the Hope.

Im officially out of this dump next Friday at 11:30.