Tuesday, September 13, 2005

It's a first for me.

Well i finally at 18 years old have my first semi-date. I dont know why i keep calling it a date cause its not. Well it kinda is. See what i mean? Haha its kinda funny too. I had told Christin numerous times that Joey was so hott (its her ex boyfriend). So she was talking to him the other day and was randomly like hey u wanna go out with Cortney sometime lol? So me and Joey and Christin and Chris Whitaker are all going on a double date saturday lol. Quite funny. Its gonna be kinda awkward since im on a semi-date with one of my best friend's ex boyfriend. But she said it didnt bother her. I keep saying semi-date cause Joey told Christin to make sure i knew this was just a friends thing for right now, which i knew anyway. Im so excited!

I was so tired sunday night and i was literally about to put my head on the pillow and my phone started vibrating. I was like oh gosh i dont wanna talk to anyone, but it was Christin so i picked it up and she was like are u in bed lol? But i talked to her for like 30 mins or more and when i got off with talking to her, i could not sleep whatsoever. I had been so tired before and then i was wired for like an hour after that. I think were gonna go downtown and see a movie. But i already know not to get my hopes up. I HAVE TO REMEMBER THAT SINCE ITS NOT A REAL DATE. I mean i cant go in expecting anything can i? Well since its not a real date, if im shot down, its not like it meant anything cause there was nothing there to begin with. Right? I hope this doesnt tear me apart. I thought about it and this is like the first contact ive had with a boy, EVER. So obviously im somewhat excited cause im going on my first semi-date with a hott guy who may have some feeling towards me. Yeah thats real true since he barely knows me. Okay Cortney. And now im talking to myself. Im thinking WAY WAY too into this. Christin, i hope i dont pist u off. Thats not my intention and NEVER will be.