Saturday, September 24, 2005

Went to Homecoming last night. It wasn't near as sad as i thought it was gonna be. Sad, but not TOO sad. There were alot of people there too. We lost 35-0 haha but i dont think i ever watched the game really. I was too busy talking to people and walking around. Man my feet hurt too. I sat during the presentation of the seniors but that was it. Haha Megan W was there! I was so excited cause i didnt know she was coming. Shes so funny. I got free stuff at the alumni tent too lol.

As always, there was DRAMA. I havent seen these people since graduation and there was such drama. Goll i somehow got involved in it. Well u could say i was dragged into it. Oh well. Thats Boyd Buchanan. I got to see everyone i wanted except Coach Brown! Man! I wanted to talk to him but i never saw him anywhere. Im so bored. Im suppose to go see a movie tonight with Ashley. Oh and i cant move out at the end of the semester. Poo.