Sunday, June 25, 2006


Im glad my life is over since Kevin is leaving the Backstreet Boys. Its not gonna be the same. Its like when Geri left the Spice Girls, 5 is the magic number...

Monday, June 19, 2006

Montana baby!

Well I just got back from fabulous Montana this morning at 2 am. We had a GREAT time. I cannot explain how much fun we had. Im so glad i went now. So i got to the church at 1 to leave by 2 for atl. I got on the bus and sat and ended up sitting by Bethany, never talked to her before in my life and Sally sat in front of us. So yeah i dont know many people well in the group so Sally stood up and talked to me and Bethany the whole way to the airport. It was great. Shes a little fireball for Jesus, its fabulous. So we get to the airport and fly to Minneapolis, they were so funny when they spoke lol. And then we flew to kalispell, Montana. Got there at like 12 something there time and we stayed with people from the church we were running the camp through. Me Bethany and Sally stayed with an older woman who was really nice. And so then we got up the next day and went to church. It was a small church compared to ours, but apparently it was big for Montana. But then they fed us and we all hung out and played wiffel ball till it was time to go to the camp.

So we load up on the cheese doodle, which is the church's short bus lol. And then we go to camp and stay in the lodge for the night. I stayed with Kristy and Bethany that night. There so funny lol. Kinda bored that night. Not much to do actually lol.

Hmmm and then the next day we went to eat at a little restaurant where they had elk burgers and then we went and had huckleberry ice cream!!!! Apparently huckleberries are native to Montana and they are EVERYWHERE. They had everything huckleberry u could imagine. Well Eddy bought us all some huckleberry ice cream, it was fabulous. And i got some huckleberry coffee. I hope its good.

So then we waited around a while at camp and then kids started showing up. So almost all of us were counselors, which means we had a cabin of kids. So Kristy and I were first and I got 5 girls. And then we drug our stuff over to our cabins which were carpeted, praise Jesus. And then i saw that there were 2 bunk beds and 1 queen bed, u can guess which one i got lol. They brought an extra mattress in and put it in the floor. So then my girls got there and I had 4 12 year olds and 1 15 year old. So let me just say that these girls were WILD. They asked me if they could move my bed so they would have more room to wrestle. Yes they did. They beat the crap out of each other the whole week lol. They were not girly by any means and kept saying they didnt like those preppy girls who wore make up lol. So i tried to hide my make up from them lol. Oh I had 1 native american girl too, her name was Whisper. I could tell when i saw her she was cause of her eyes. I'll post pics on myspace and facebook tomorrow hopefully.

I'll update more later, kinda bored at the moment.

Ok back to do some more of the entry if not all lol.

So yeah this trip was kinda odd for me at camp. I dont really know alot of people in the youth group so I was trying to hang out with them and make friends, while hanging out my girls at the same time. I just figured they would wanna hang out with each other but apparently they did wanna hang out with me cause I came into the cabin one morning to get my teaching stuff and I was about to leave and they go why do u ditch us? Kinda made me feel bad. But I hung out with them more so during the day later on in the week. Cause I spent an hour with them during Bible study and then before bed and alot of the morning.

But anyway the day consisted of getting up at the butt crack of dawn at usually 5:45 so I could start waking my girls up to get showers. We couldnt get out of the cabins till 6 so I had to start waking them up a bit early so they could be at the showers by 6 cause otherwise there was a line and no hot water haha. But i ran my booty to the shower too. Plus the sun comes up at like 5 and goes down at about 10. Someone told me they dont see the sun for 2 months during the winter. Crazy. I dont know if i talked about the weather yet but it was HORRIBLE. They usually dont get rain from July to September but for some reason it poured and flooded everywhere the week we were there. One day I wore 4 layers cause it was so cold out and then the rain was freezing. I had a long sleeve t shirt, t shirt, hoodie, and then my wind/water proof jacket. One of the girls in my cabin told me what I was wearing in 50 degree weather is what they wear when its like 15 below, not kidding. We kept complaining about it being cold and they were like cold? Its hott!!! It was like 65 one day and they were like wow its so warm! We all kept trying to explain Tennessee heat/humidity to them cause they dont have humidity at all. I was just like omword u think 65 is hott? Please spend one day in TN where its 96 outside but feels like 104. So yeah lets just say everyone was always soaked and had soaked shoes and then everything turned to mudd, so some kids decided to get into mud fights and all during recreation time. I praise Jesus my girls didnt. I would not have been happy with them when they went to the cabin.

And speaking of cabins, we had absolutely NO room to move. They crammed us all in, but all of our luggage was the problem. They were shoes and dirty socks and jackets and hair brushes and everything else under the sun thrown everywhere.

But our days had WAY too much spare time. We didnt think the camp was run very well. But every day was like this:
7:30 - breakfast
8:30 - quiet time
9:15-9:30 - break
9:30-10:30 - Bible study
10:30-10:45 - Break
10:45-12 - Morning challenge, games
12 - lunch
1-4 - Recreation
5:30 - Dinner
7-9 - Worship
9-10 - Break
10 - Cabin devotions
11:30 - In Cabins
12 - Lights out

So lets just say that everything did not take near as long as planned so kids would have nothing to do technically. And they never wanted u to go back to your cabin. That sucked. And recreation was WAY too long too. They need more to fill in time next year. I'm almost 90% sure were going back next year which rocks.

But anyway I had to teach my small group, which was suppose to be gender based. So I thought alright im gonna have all girls. Well the first night they called all the counselors to the front and introduced us and gave us our small group by cabin number. So they called my cabin, so I had my 5 girls and like 21 i think and then suddenly I see these 6 HOTT guys stand up and i looked at Brian (the coordinator) and I go, I have boys? with this look of utter disbelief lol. And the other counselors asked that too and he was like yeah cause they only had 2 guy small group leaders cause the rest of the guys on the trip were in the band or doing technical stuff. So off we went to our first Bible study group. So yeah after moving areas twice and getting crapped on by birds, we finally sat and attempted to learn lol. I was so scared!!!! Well it was better though cause they actually talked when I asked questions and when I was trying to teach. And what was funny was that the boys talked! My girls didnt say a word. I was very surprised but happy. Actually my girls were 12 and 13 and the boys were 14-18. Yes I had an 18 year old who had taught 2 Bible studies before. That made me feel fabulous cause he asked if I had ever taught before and I was like haha no. It was kinda hard all week though cause I have to admit the lessons were long and boring and I just wanted to talk to the kids about Montana and stuff. We got off topic alot, lets put it that way lol.

But yeah there were 2 brothers in my group, Beau was 16 and Caleb was 14, and I have to say their parents must have had great genes cause there eyes were practically on fire. They were the prettiest mix of sea foam green and a light aqua green color. And they were so cute!!! I had to contain myself the whole time cause I kept looking at them lol. But Caleb is kind of in outer space, cute and sweet, but hes really young and now hes like obsessed with me lol. He made me his # 1 friend on MySpace on his top 8 and messages me about every day lol. He did teach and entertain me during recreation though for like 2 hours with new card games. I had never played any of them and we sat and played which was good. He was willing to teach me and I was willing to pay attention to him lol. I think thats what all these kids really wanted. Most middle schoolers only want attention from someone older. My girls were the same as the kids at Hunter when I tutored them. Kids are the same everywhere.

Oh yeah what was so funny was I sat and talked to my group about Montana and Tennessee and all and I was asking them what kind of restaurants and shops they had. I was like, Do yall have Krystal? and they go we have crystal meth! And i was like are u kidding? And they all were like haha no and got all interested lol. I found out that Montana is the number 1 state in the country for homemade meth labs. Which makes sense though cause on the way to camp we saw this horribly nasty graphic billboard of thus woman's mouth that was all decayed and gross and it was a sign for anti meth. Oh and I also made sure to tell them that I was very country and if they needed me to repeat something to tell me lol. They sounded so funny though. If u know what Minnesotans sound like, kinda like that. And they say Pop for their cokes!!! The first day my girls were like u wanna split a pop? I was like what the crap!?!? Crazyness.

More later, bed now.

Alright, back again.

So yeah we were also suppose to go to a water park down the road one day during recreation. Well on tuesday it turned out to be the only nice day and we didnt go, stupid people, so they said as long as it was above 50 degrees on wednesday or thursday and not raining horribly, then we'd go. Well haha we didnt go. Which was good cause it looked crappy and I wasnt gonna get wet anyway and then speak of the devil, i started my period the day we were suppose to go! No joke! A week early!! But all the girls on the trip started theres too, it was funny. So instead there was an indoor heated pool right next to camp that they took us too but none of the counselors swam. Bleh, smelled so much like chlorine.

Hmm..oh yeah the huckleberries. The boys in my group said they had a tradition every year to go down to the little store next to camp and get huckleberry milkshakes and they could go as long as they had a counselor. Well I thought they were kidding and they said they werent and i believed them cause other people had gone before too. So I asked Brian and he said no. He said some people snuck down there and werent suppose to. The boys were so mad, i felt bad for them. I mean it was a stupid milkshake, i dont know why they cared so much if I was going with them. We could walk down there! Well I know if we go back im gonna go get them for them even if I get yelled at, its just a milkshake, the world wont end. But actually once camp was over we went over and got one, it was great too lol.

Oh and the one day we went to the pool, i was dreading recreation time cause it was just gonna take forever to get through and it was pouring the rain so we had to stay in a specific place for 3 hours, well till it was time for the girls to go swim. But anyway card games were a big deal with the counselors. I had no idea why but we were always playing cards. Well anyway they had extras laying around so me and most of my boys sat and played. Caleb taught me like 8 games lol. I knew nothing, i didnt know how to play anything. He had lots of patience cause he sat and told me how to do them all and I was slow at them too, so it was good. Lots of fun. I think he was just happy to have someone pay attention to him honestly lol.

Well once camp was over we packed up and went to Glacier National Park for our hike. Well we got there and found out it was 12$ a person and no one really wanted to pay that for mud and rain, so we decided to go to the Hungry Horse dam, which is the 4th largest in the country. It was great! Great pics, especially the one i got next to the sign haha. I'll post a link to my facebook pics, u'll know which pic im talking about when u see it lol. And then we went to the hotel, the Super 8 which sounds cheap, but honestly was SO nice. We thought we were living in luxury compared to those cabins. And the rooms were so big with nice beds!!! It was 3 to a room and I shared the bed with Lauren, which I thought was a bad idea cause shes kinda big too, but i fell asleep before she got back in the room and didnt move or wake up till my alarm went off. So i didnt notice anyone was there lol. But then we went and had pizza at pizza hut which was good since we dont have any sit down pizza huts in chattanooga anymore. And then some of us went back to Walmart and I got some cards and a cowboy hat, thats what I wanted most from the trip. It was good. It got smashed in my suitcase on the way home, but its good lol.

And then I was out cold for the night and we got up saturday and went back to Glacier for our boat cruise through Lake McDonald. It was beautiful, but freezing. You could sit down below or go up top and take pics which I did some of both but it was so cold. I also ended up wearing my pink hoodie, then my pink rain jacket over that for wind and then I bought a pink and black ball cap haha. And then I had my pink luggage too. Everyone was like, do u like pink lol? I had told Lauren that yes I do like pink, but it just looked like I had alot more pink than everyone else cause the main pieces of clothing and accessories they saw were pink, i dont have more pink than any other girl, i dont think at least. But anyway we went to eat lunch at Jammer Joes after that which was italian, so we had pizza again.

And then we had a car tour in these awesome cars from the 30s that looked like hummers. Well these are made to take the top off and the windows down so u could take pics of the mountains as u went by. It was raining and cold, but our car decided to be bold and put the top back anyway lol. I dont think I was that cold the whole trip lol. It was fun though. And I also got to cuddle with Jonathan for 3 hours!!! Ahh!!! I was FABULOUS!!! Jonathan was in the band, taking the place of Brittany who couldnt come cause of work. He goes to Woodland park baptist. Hes latino and FABULOUSLY BEAUTIFUL. He also works at Chik Fil A lol. And hes 19 next month. He was so great. I drooled over him the whole trip. Oh yeah and on our car tour the whole car decided to play freeze out, which is where everyone takes off their clothes on top, well the girls went to their t shirts, but yeah it was like 40 outside and then the wind was going and there we all are top less lol. It was SO funny. And amazingly, once we all put our clothes back on in the car, we were warm. It was crazy.

And then we went to eat that night at the Backdoor, which was a place that gave us bbq and more pizza lol. It was all unlimited and fabulous. And they have this stuff called indian fry bread which were these huge pieces of fried bread that were like a cross between a donut, bagel and funnel cake all in one. They were great.

And then we went back to our host homes that night and Emma had made us homemade brownies with chocolate icing!!! Ahh!!! We ate so many they made us sick. They were still warm too. SOOO good. And we then we went to first service the next morning at church, which no one goes to lol. And we went to Arbys for lunch and then on to the airport. We flew to Minnesapolis, then to Atlanta and then we met the other team from bayside that had gone to Montana and we all rode home for 2 hours on a school bus. No im not kidding, we were all crammed onto a school bus in the fabulous GA heat. It was so hot when we got home, we were excited lol. I got home about 2. Felt real good.

Great trip though!!! I was so glad I went!!! Im praying that we go back next year.

Sunday, June 4, 2006

Montana is coming

So I realized I havent updated all week which isnt a big deal though cause not much has happened during the week but i thought i'd update anyway.

So I went out with Becca to a movie and dinner on thursday. I wanted to hear all about her prom night too lol. So we saw Xmen which was good and went to Olive Garden, which was the 3rd time ive been there in 2 weeks haha. I cant get sick of that place no matter how hard I try lol.

And then on Friday I went to lunch at Shogun with Lindley!!! We had such a good time!!! She was already cracking up when I got out of the car to meet her lol. She always laughs at what I say, she makes me feel funny when really my sarcasm that I always use when I speak, makes her laugh hysterically lol. Its really not that funny to me lol. But anyway shogun was great, so much food though. I went to Target before that though and bought a dress I didnt need lol. I saw it a week before and wanted to wait and get it with my parents money but I decided to go anyway and im glad I did cause Lindley ended up being late so it was good I had something to do. Its a cute dress too, short sleeved, stretchy, airy, black with little blue polka dots all over it and it looks semi like a wrap dress around my waist/boobs. Kinda got some cleavage there too, gotta watch when I bend over lol.

Oh yeah Christina Aguilera's new song is good, random I know lol.

Oh yeah I had my disaster relief classes this past friday and saturday. Not as much fun as I had expected lol. So I got there on Friday for class from 6:30-9:30 and it went by pretty quick. The only problem was that I was the youngest person there, which I expected though. So I befriended the older couples who sat at my table lol. They were nice. Oh and it was kinda creepy though cause I met a couple who went to Brainerd Baptist and it was odd cause I went to work there this morning in the daycare, i'll get to that in a minute.

So yeah in order to be certified by the Southern Baptist Convention (Tennessee part) I had to go to that intro class on friday and at least 1 class on saturday, well I ended up going to 3 on saturday. So u have to be certified in different classes to work in those areas if u go to help with relief. Well of all things, child care was not offered at my session for some reason which sucks. But its also an 8 hour thing, bleh. But yeah it was alot of information i couldnt take it all in at once lol.

Well I was kinda bummed to find out that YOU have to provide all the funds and transportation for yourself. I kinda figured theyd gather people up from the area and take them all together on a bus or something. But I was kinda confused by it all. Kinda something about u can get in a group with your church and go and u can also contact the North American Mission Board or something and they can send u somewhere specifically to a group. I was and am still confused on that area. Goll they kept talking of stories and all too and they ALL related to Louisiana, of course.

But on saturday I took 1 class called chainsaw, which sounds scary and it kinda was but apparently they need brush pullers once the trees are cut and all, so I would be doing that, too scared to use the chainsaws. Haha one lady was called the 'drag queen' haha cause she drug so much brush.

And then I went to a flood recovery class which was basically what to do with all the mold that appears in houses. It appears in 48 hours and they talked about all that u do, wear, take. Lots of stuff.

And then I took a laundy/shower unit class. Apparently it used by volunteers and victims to wash and shower cause obviously they dont have a place to do those things.

Oh and I found out that if u go on a relief mission, u take all the food your gonna eat and your bedding, down to what u sleep on, not just sheets and all. U gotta take an air mattress or a cot or something. They promise u a place to sleep, not a something to sleep on.

I dont know if im gonna actually go help though cause Im not sure about the whole team thing and I also dont know if i could afford it. All the supplies u need to help, u gotta pay for. SO MUCH MONEY.

And then I go to Montana saturday, nervous about that. But it should be good. The whole idea of camping does not thrill me still and then I gotta teach too, which shouldnt be scary since im gonna be a teacher obviously, but its middle and high schoolers, so its harder. And on top of that its witnessing, which technically ive never done before in this manner. So its all on me. Kinda scary.

I leave saturday and come back the next sunday, 10-18. Pray for me and my trip por favore. I'm sure i'll have a super long entry when I come back.