Monday, November 14, 2005

Rainy day

Well today sure was fun. I didnt have my umbrella for class cause other 2nd one was at home and my elvis one was in my car. So i took my anorac. Bad mistake. Its not really a rain jacket for long lol. It ends up seeping through very quickly. But it wasnt raining until i got out of my last class and then it was practically monsooning. Campus was already flooding horribly and by the time i got back to my apartment i was soaked head to toe. I just got done drying my shoes in the dryer. My books also got wet. Yay.

I went to the orchestra concert at seventh day adventist last night. Boring. It was for music class. I left at the intermission haha. I can download the rest online and write my paper.

I think God is trying to test me and see how much school i can handle this week. Cause i dont think ive ever had this much work to do in a week. Heres a rundown for your enjoyment.

Music test wedneday
Music review due by friday
Gotta start studying for my biology test next monday
Pop quizzes in Biology this week sometime
Reading in english for pop quiz
Corrections on my history research paper
English paper due wednesday
New english paper due sometime soon
Goverment outline questions for final test
Lab extra credit - paper

Im sure i can find some more to do as well. I dont think exam week will be this bad considering i have 1 exam everyday for like a week. I feel bad for taylor she has 3 exams in one day back to back.

Have yall heard the new Fefe Dobson song "dont let it got to your head?" very funny if u havent heard it. I would suggest downloading it. just because i think of u in bed, haha.