Tuesday, November 8, 2005


Im pretty bored right now. Taylor went somewhere for a math test this week. Dunno. Im here alone. I just watched some Moulin Rouge on tv, very nice. I havent seen it in a while. I was singing away lol. Hmmm... havent updated in a while. Oh Jillian text me today and said she wanted to talk to me about my history class. Well it turned into an hour convo since i havent talked to her in forever. And then i was walking to the UC this evening to meet Taylor and she was parked on a bench and she came to eat with us. Good times. Very funny convo lol.

I GET TO FREAKIN MOVE OUT!!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD ALMIGHTY!!!! HE IS WATCHING OVER ME! Goll i forgot to update about that. Yes i get to move out and also pay 3 months rent. Thats wonderful. The penalty to get out of your lease was 1-3 months and i got 3. The woman even told me there lenient on medical reasons and haha i didnt get any slack. I dont care though cause my parents made a budget and said that it would be cheaper to live at home than here. Im so excited!!!! Only like 4 more weeks here. Ive got like almost all my stuff packed already too haha. My dad is coming here thursday too and hes taking me and taylor out to dinner. Yay!


I FOUND OUT THE BACKSTREET BOYS ARE COMING BACK TO ATLANTA DECEMBER 7TH!!!!! AHH!!!! Well its xmas show Q100 has every year with Will Smith headlining and the Pussycat dolls. Ehh dont care about them, BSB are kings. Well i just happened to remember that Morgan owes me a fully paid concert haha. Im trying to get her to get these tix off ebay. Very good price. 12th row! Im gonna O all over myself lol.

I finished my history research paper which is great. I also got extra credit to do in lab which is great.