Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Long time no update...haha. Yes it is true i havent updated in a while. Ive been lazy. So me and Taylor put on wild makeup and fake eyelashes last night for halloween and wore our cute witch hats we got at walmart. They have stars and moons on them which u cant see in my facebook pic grr...

Hmm...I just found out today that in my gov. class u can only miss 3 classes unexcused and then after that he takes 5% off of your grade for each class u miss. Ive missed 1 a week for a while. Thats wonderful. There goes my grade. Poo. I finally find out if i can move out next semester this week. I put that crap in a month ago and Taylor put hers in last week and she'll prob get her reply with mine cause there mailing them. Poop. Totally not fair.

Hmm...what else to say....

Did i update about Sarah (other roommate) moving out? Cant remember but anyway she did.

Oh haha something funny. Today when i was walking back to my apartment I saw all these people in a crowd over by the library. There was this guy standing up on something and preaching with a Bible and there was this HUGE sign next to him that said in big red words, "Hell's most wanted" and it had this HUGE list of types of people. Well it had like normal stuff like drunkards, homosexuals, liars and yadayada but then such random stuff like psychics and masturbators, yes i said that and SPORTS FANS! Yes i heard people saying like Wha???? Yeah crazy stuff. Well there have been 4 men in this square vicinity at school attacking people with those little NT Bibles of Psalms and Proverbs. Literally they come over and ask u if u want one, each of them, numerous times. Very annoying. Well they were gone this afternoon andd the crazy man showed up. He also had a man with a beard next to him and im wondering if he was mormon or something, random i know.

Oh yeah and i got my first UTC parking ticket yesterday for 20$ yay.