Saturday, July 9, 2005

Well Morgan spent last night here lol. It was wild. I havent seen her since graduation and i said we should go do something. So we went and ate at Fazolis and then went to see Bewitched, which i must say is absolutely the cutest movie. Allison was there with Shelby and her mom. Let's see....then we came home and i had rented some movies for the weekend cause my parents are going to Asheville tomorrow, so im gonna be alone all day. I got Vanity Fair, Napolean Dynamite and Finding Neverland. We watched Vanity Fair and then went to bed and then we watched almost all of Finding Neverland this morning. We watched until Kate Winslet died, so sad. I havent seen the end so no one comment on what happens lol. Hmm..Vanity Fair did not do that book justice. I didnt think so at least. They made the movie ALL about Becky Sharp (reese witherspoon) and in the book they talk just as much about Amelia Sedley (other main girl). I was kinda bummed. But i did realize the guy who plays Amelia's husband is the guy who played Elvis on the TV movie that was on before school was out. The Irish Elvis! Haha! Just as hott as ever. I kept thinking Elvis was in the movie when i was watching it lol.

Hmm...Oooh I went over to Ashleys yesterday and swam with her in her baby pool lol. Man that thing is huge! It could hold 3 people on floats cause me and he sat on floats and had plenty of room. I'd much rather swim in that than at the main neighborhood one.

2 weeks tomorrow till BSB! AHH!!!!