Tuesday, August 13, 2002


ahhhh school has begun. Today was the first full day. I can already tell i'm not gonna like Geometry and possibly Chemistry. But I have chemistry first period and i was like aahhhh cause who wants that? But then i was thinking ya know u can have it and get it over with and then on Chapel days its only 40 mins!!!!! I was thinking Yay! Short class lol. And then Bible will be shorter but i like Bible so i was like crap. But then PE will only be 30 mins! Yes! And English too! Thats what i love about early chapel. Chapel is tomorrow too. I like going and having everyone sing cause its like Chorus but ALOT bigger lol. But I know im not gonna like Geometry. That dude is weird. He sits there and doesnt know ure name and just looks at the sheet thing and pick random people to answer stuff we dont even remember. And then if u say I dont know, he's like sure u do and wont leave u alone and then he'll go to the next question and ask u again! I was like dude lay off! And then he talks 90 miles a minute and u cant understand what he's teaching and he writes everything down to fast and he talks too fast when hes explaining and i cant take all of it in at once and then put it all together on paper! He's already given us like 30 problems for homework 2 nights in a row! He talks so fast it's like Mrs Lee in spanish when she talks she talks so fast in spanish im just like slow down! I can't translate 7 words at once in my head. lol. I'm just like say 1 word then another so i can translate and try and remember what u said in english and then put it together and respond lol. She's like "El gato corre muy rapido" And i have to take it apart and make it word for word. He does that but its in English. Which makes it even worse. There are 58 people in concert chorus!!!!! 58!!!!! Everyone tries to cram in and out and then no one has a seat. It's awful. But we sang some stuff today for fun and we sounded great. Usually in GC no one would sing their loudest and best until we knew the song, but everyone just sings loud and doesnt care and it sounds wonderful. And with the guys they complete it. It sounds so much better with 3 parts rather than 2. And then when we have 6, that will rock (soprano 1, soprano 2, alto 1, alto 2, tenor, and bass) I cant wait man. We sang this song today where people would call on other people and u would have to sing a part by ureself! I was like no! but then no one knew my name lol so no one called on me so i was like yes. And then were supposed to have a canon of the week, but i doubt we will do that continuously. She said we were gonna do that point thing last year, that didnt last half the year. But she said she'd have other people up there with u but i bet she means 4 people for 4 parts. NO! I want 2 people for each part. Or even 3 or 4 lol. Not by myself. No no no. Bad bad bad. Well im gonna go. American Idol comes on in 45 mins lol. Bye!

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