Friday, January 31, 2003

Well sorry I havent updated in a few days. I didnt have time last night and the other day I didnt have anything to say. I have some stuff to say now though.

Well for one, right now my toes are blue and i'm not kidding. I don't have any socks on and when my finger/toe nails get cold, they turn blue. Yeah I just looked again, there dark blue. Kinda a violet color lol. Just thought u'd like to know that.

Well Jillian missed 2 days of school. I missed her! I was bored man! And I went to the wrestling match last night. I was hoping she'd be at school yesterday cause she said she'd go with me if i ever wanted to go. But she wasnt and I had to find someone to go with. Well Katlyn wanted to go and was going to, but then after school she said her mom said she couldnt cause she had so much homework. So i was like yay, i have no one to go with. Well since she couldn't go, i was contemplating not going at all, which i shoulda done. Well i had a dentist appointment at 3:30. So i we go and i'm sitting there and its like 4 or 4:15 and we were wondering why things were going so slow. And one of the ladies that works there, goes why are u here? And i told her and she said she didnt have us down!!! Now we've done this 3 times before. We've shown up on the wrong day. But she said 3 other people had messed up their appointments and she thinks its b/c they updated their computers. So yay. I went all the way downtown for NO REASON.

And then my afternoon just gets even better. I get to school and i sit there for an hour and a half. Cause i got there at 4:30 and the match was at 6. I did my homework and kinda sat there looking stupid cause I didnt know what to do. So i called Jillian (thank goodness the child picked up the phone). Well then I see Taylor Morgan and she was doing the score. So i was like YES I have someone to sit with. So i sat with her and i heard her say Robby's not here. And i go Robby who? And she goes Robby A. (we all know who he is duh lol). And i go why if he not here? And she goes he cant wrestle tonight cause of his grades! I FLIPPED OUT cause he was the ENTIRE reason i was going. So i sat there and did NOTHING the whole time. I did get to watch patrick though. He's really good! He won too.

Well then i got home at 7:30 and had to do health homework, which we didnt even go today! Ok i hate that man. He always tells us not to be late, we have to be 'responsible'. He's LATER THAN WE ARE, EVERYDAY! He was 10 mins late yesterday and 10 today! And we had to do our projects and if he had been there on time, we could of all gone, but no he was late as usual (prob talking) and we all dont get to go, which means me and katlyn and erin and talia. So were going Monday and we have to haul all our crap back to school. Ahhh it makes me SO mad!

And ya know i know this is old, but i keep thinking about what Litchford said to me. That's just the way I am though. I replay EVERYTHING over in my head, time after time, in every different way possible. Now I wish we could just do that whole class over. I'm just DYING to say this to him. I'm gonna replay the convo, or the chewing out.

(walks over to my desk) Litchford: STOP WRITING I LOVE B S B. It's a stupid fad, get over it! Stop wasting your life!

Cortney: A fad? A FAD? You call being a group for 10 years, being famous for 8, and me liking them for 4 a FAD? WELL I DONT KNOW ABOUT U, BUT THE LAST TIME I CHECKED, IN THE DICTIONARY NEXT TO THE WORD 'FAD' IT DIDNT SAY BACKSTREET BOYS!

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