Sunday, January 5, 2003

Not Much To Say

Me and my dad and my brother went to go see Gangs Of New York yesterday. It was pretty good. Kinda bloody and there was like an orgy scene...(not very pleasant seeing naked women everywhere). That was kinda weird with my brother and dad in there watching that.. eehhhh bad flashback. But anyway it was based
on the USA and Ireland. I was like WOO IRELAND! the entire movie. It was really funny. But I have to admit the Irish accents were bad. VERY bad. I don't think anyone can do a good Irish accent unless there Irish themselves. But it was 3 hours long. aahhhhh i had to pee so bad too. As we were walking out i dashed passed my dad and I go "POTTY!" and darted to the bathroom lol. I felt SO good after that lol.

Ok the following has no revelance to anyone except me, so if u dont wanna read, u know its not important:

I LOST 2 PDS.!!!!! WOOO!!!!!!!!! And the thing is I lost it in 3 days. That's kinda scary. lol not really. But the thing is I ate some of Adam's popcorn at the movie and I drank a Fruitopia and I DID NOT EXERCISE AT ALL YESTERDAY. I was disappointed in myself, so I was sure I had gained back my 1 pound I had lost the other day. So I got up and weighed myself and I had lost another pound! I WAS LIKE AHH!!!! I know that doesn't mean anything to yall and you probably think i'm stupid for posting anything about only 2 pds., but they it means alot to a fat girl! :)

Hey my background for AOL is Legolas!!! AHHH!!! HOTTNESS!!!!!!

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