Saturday, October 30, 2004

Well my haircut went over well at school. I pulled in and christin ran over to my car with a smirk on her face. She was like, LET ME SEE! And then Megan G pulled in and parked next to me and she was like let me see it! I think i had my hair behind my shoulders and i pulled it in front and she squealed, "IT LOOKS SO CUTE!" And then Brittany M walked over and was like, get out let me see lol. Well then i had my meeting with Mrs Roland and it ran over, of course. So i go upstairs and im almost the only one in the hall and all of a sudden, Morgan, Jamie and Merri Wynne come from all sides and attack me with shrieks lol. I had each of them on one side of me at my locker. It was good. It looks pretty good. It looks funny layered though. Oh well. I tried to flip it out too with hair spray. Well i sprayed it as i curled it on the curling iron and the hair spray sizzled on the iron. It stayed though until i brushed it. I shouldnt have done that. Im gonna have to actually buy product to put in it. I think im gonna buy a heavy duty hair spray and some cream. Megan g told me to get some certain stuff. She was like, u need to let me come over and flip your hair out, i was like ok please do cause i cant lol.

We won the ball game 62 to 0. I got bored by half time and came home. I was tired of seeing Matt Peardon in the endzone every 5 seconds. They made me pay to park too!!! Those pieces of crap. I was like hey im a student and they said oh that was only for homecoming. I was like wtf? I pay 6,000$ to go here and i cant park for free. What a joke.

Oh yeah, Jillian came home with me and we went to Arbys for dinner. We started talking about family trees for some reason and she said her grandmother i think, or someone in her family, not sure who, kinda forgot. Well anyway her last name was Alexander and then she married an unrelated Alexander! Isnt that freaky? Oh yeah and ive been meaning to post that i found out i have a relative who is buried in Philadelphia, in a Quaker cemetary, next to Betsy Ross' house, Independence Hall. I about cried when i heard that. Thats so awesome. I have some cool history now. Sweet.