Wednesday, October 27, 2004

It was announced that we get to order our cap and gowns tomorrow! Well get the stuff at least. Its gonna be so sad. Well its other stuff too, like tassels, memory books and all the other junk they try and jip u on. I hope no one cries.

Tomorrow i will be bald.

Ok yeah i would just like to say that people should keep their political opinions to themselves when talking to someone of a different party. I know our entire school is republican cause its church of Christ, duh, can we say conservative? But i dont see why people have to be so rude when they hear your for kerry or nader. Im just like yeah, there are other parties to vote for, not just the one in office right now. I love how people just love to blast John Kerry for everything he does. U dont see me going around and saying ANYTHING about Bush. I have said nothing. Ya know if i wanted to be real mean i could go around and say hes the one who decided to attack a defenseless, innocent country and send all of our armed troops in and kill innocent women and children, now couldnt i? I could say what the rest of the world thinks about him. And if i really wanted to make the point hit home, i could say if it wasnt for Bush, my cousin wouldnt be going to his probable death in Iraq because of a false cause. Yah know what i really wanna say is, yeah just wait and see who's in the White House next tuesday, then you'll keep your mouth shut for at least four years. Thanks.

Oh yeah and speaking of opinions, i hate reed hayes. I think i have already stated that fact before but im saying it again cause its true. He thinks he knows everything, not just political, just in general. Especially in Bible. But anyway he's in my contemporary issues class and today we were on the laptops on I saw on the headlines that there was a new Japanese hostage there, so i said that as a general statement. I was like hey mrs hood did u see that theres a new hostage. I wasnt being political by any means and reed looks at me and mumbled something about you cant expect automatic results in a war or in iraq or something along those lines. I just looked at him and go, are u talking to me and he shook his head. I turned around and gave Megan Applewhite the most crazed look of WHY!?!?! I said something so random and he twisted it into something about blaming the government and kerry's right. I dont know. I know it pist me off though. I just kinda stared into space for a few moments after that. Boys..bah.