Thursday, November 4, 2004


Well guys, yes its over and the outcome is not what i wanted. John Kerry did not win. I have to stare at the same ugly face and hear that voice for another 4 years. Yay. This poor country. I'm more worried about the country than Kerry losing, well both actually cause there both important. More soldiers still in Iraq, the draft might come back, higher taxes, more countries hating us and more jobs lost. Oh yeah and did I mention that when i was talking to my dad about the election as a whole and explaining stuff to him he said he didn't know who he would vote for b/c he didnt like things about both of them. And with Bush he said that he thinks he will probably try to get rid of TVA. It is one of the last big government run organizations/companies left and he said he thinks Bush will get tired of funding it and sale it off in shares. That means no more job. If that man makes my dad lose his job hes had for almost 30 years, i will personally shoot him.

Well to win, either candidate had to win 2 of the big states, Pennsylvania, Flordia and Ohio. Well Kerry won PA and Bush won FL and Ohio by 400,000 votes the next morning. Man I was almost in tears. I knew i would be eaten alive at school. Well on election day, i wore my navy skirt, white polo and a red flag shirt underneath, with the sleeves and bottom sticking out to be patriotic. And then i wore flag earrings and then patriotic sandals that ended up being FLIP FLOPS. Yes they were flip flops and i didnt even think about it till i got to school and Tudor noticed. Anne said i was a walking oxy moron lol. Oh and it dawned on me that i need to make cupcakes for such an important event! So i went and looked to see what we had and we had an off brand cake mix, that was ok. And we had Xmas cupcake wrappers that looked patriotic from a far cause they had stars on them and then i used chocolate icing. Well then i put little metal looking sugar balls on all of them with sprinkles and spelled out either a K or a B with their parties' color and i mixed the sprinkles for 3 that said USA. Those stupid things took so long to make. I wonder how many little balls i put on those things. Oh well.

Well since i didnt have an actual Kerry pin, i drew my own and lamenated it and taped it on for the day. And i knew doing this that i would be attacked viciously at school, which i was. I think the best comment was from Tres who called me a lesbian baby killer. I though that one was pretty good. And all day i was so excited and was running around all pumped. I so cannot wait till 2008. Then i'll be at UTC and can do something political and i even talked to Mrs Hood about it and she told me how to get on the candidate's campaign. That would be so amazing. This election has made me want to get into politics even more now. I had pondered the idea for a while and all and ive decided im gonna major in education and minor in political science. I really wanna do something political, but then i'll have a steady job being a teacher if that doesnt work out.

I was asking my dad if politicians need like a college degree in political science and all this stuff and he goes, "Cortney, look at Arnold Schwarzenegger." That was a very good point. If people like you and you have money, thats about all ya need. The thought of living in DC doesnt really thrill me that much though. I'd be scared of an attack. I guess if i really want it then i have to make sacrifices. Well anyway at school on Wednesday, no one had a definite winner yet but everyone had predicted it would be Bush b/c of the voting. Well they finally announced a winner and i swear talked about/came up to me like someone had died. I heard alot of "Cortney, i'm so sorry." And Megan G told me that when they found out he won in 4th period, they all cheered and then everyone went, "Oh poor Cortney. I hope she's ok." Its good people were nice to me about it. Well then i had a few who werent. I had a little jack ass by the name of Reed Hayes come about 10 inches from my face and yell BUSH. Well then come to find out in Pre Cal that Mrs Hood chewed him out about something, so that made me happy. So i went in and asked her and she said in 2nd period he was jumping around screaming Bush and everything else and she said she took off her glasses and got in his face and chewed his butt out. I laughed so hard. She even said he was a jerk.

Well since the election is over, Kerry does go back to the Senate which is great, but Edwards doesnt. I wanted to cry about that one. I wont get to see his pretty face as much. His wife also has cancer. And i have decided, i do not approve of this election, so i am protesting it. I am going to wear my Kerry/Edwards pin everyday for the rest of the year. Chad Mynatt does it for the uniform by wearing his grey shirt everyday, why cant i do it with the election?