We scheduled our classes today for next year. My goodness all im gonna do next year is study. And today Mrs. Parrot scared the crap outta me when she said that whole thing about Physics being required. I was like "What the f***! I already have my schedule for the next 2 years! Now I basically have to take Chemistry all over again! Why are u trying to put me through hell?!?!" But it's ok now cause she said that was for the 8th graders right now that are going to be freshmen. So it's all good. Well here's what I think i'll be taking:
1. AP Biology
2. Ethics of the Bible, History of the Bible
3. AP History
4. Honors English
5. Spanish 3
6. Algerba 2
7. Study Hall
Now I was gonna take Biology 2 in the place of study hall so I wont have a science when i'm a senior, but Mrs. Parrot said that it would be really difficult having 2 Biologies and then the classes might overlap and learn the same things. So i'm taking Bio 2 when i'm a senior, yay.
But anyway onto something new! I'm getting sick AGAIN! Yay! Lucky me! Yes this is the 3rd time in the last month that i've been sick. I am gonna die one day of a cold, i just know it. Well I got really sick before the chorus trip with a bad sinus infection, and then i was almost completely better by the trip, and then that sunday on the trip i woke up and my throat hurt again! So I went back to the doctor and took more medicine. And now it my throat hurts again! yay me! And tomorrow i'm going to the eye, nose, ear, and throat doctor. Here's the background on that: My tonsills are majorly oversized, and by oversized i mean that when yall are sick with a sore throat and your tonsills swell up, mine are that size all the time. So basically my tonsills look like there infected all the time. That's how big they are normally. So every doctor that looks at them automatically says, Oh my goodness u have to have those tonsills taken out! Well everyone thought they would shrink as i got older, no. They've gotten somewhat bigger actually. So with all of my headaches and everything else wrong with me, i'm going to have them cut out. Oh yes, hopefully right when school is out, there getting cut out for good. Since i have a headache everyday (literally, im not kidding), they think that my enlarged tonsills could be the reason. And here are the reasons why: Well my aunt said that someone at her church was having headaches all the time and she got her tonsills out and they stopped. And then the doctor said that I could be having headaches b/c since I snore so loud, that that means im not getting enough oxygen to my brain when i sleep, so thats why i wake up with a headache, and then therefore that means im not sleeping well, so thats why im always tired and cold. This is gonna solve alot of problems. We checked to take em out 3 years ago and never did, i think it's a good idea now. So were going to see the dude tomorrow to get the ok about it and schedule a date. And im leaving school 10 mins early! And your probably thinking ok thats a whole lot of time Cortney, well im not going in till like 10:30 or 11 cause I dont wanna go to awards day cause I never win and I dont wanna sit there, and my mom has to sub at 11, so it all works out good! yay! Short day for me!
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