Tuesday, December 24, 2002

Hey guys sorry about yesterday. I put like 5 entries in on one day lol. I didn't realize I had taken or found that many LOTR quizzes lol.

Well anyway I haven't written about Megan's party yet so i'm going to.

Well we met at Toys R Us and we went to the mall for 2 hours which I wasn't too keen on cause I knew all we would do would be wonder around and do nothing, which is what we did. I HATE THAT. I'm not ure average shopper. I like to go to the place I wanna go and get what I want and leave. I don't like to linger and go in every store in the mall (we didnt go in every store, I was just saying). But anyway we went into Gadzooks and we stayed in there quite a while. Then we were about to leave when some random guy walks up to Megan G and goes hey u wanna go make out? And like all this crap and he was like hey whats ure name???? And Jillian was standing there with her and I walked up and i was like nice necklace (cause it was a paperclip necklace) and he was like thanks I got this at Abercrombie and all this crap. And i was like sssuuurree. But anyway we kinda walked out and left him there looking stupid. And Brittany C started talking to him and all and I had to open my BIG MOUTH and say I thought he was cute (which he was). And then the last person on the earth u want to something found out (brittany). We walked off and apparently she ran in and told him and all. So we walk off a little creeped out by it all and Brittany kept calling Jillian's phone about 5 times. She was like WHERE ARE U?? IS CORTNEY WITH U? Ok by that point i was getting scared. And we were finding a way out and we saw them walking our way. So we freaked and walked into the bookstore and hid cause we thought they had seen us but they hadn't. So we busted our butts and ran to the movie theater.

Then when Brittany got there she said they had paid that guy 2$ to come and touch my butt. He was like ok sure. I would of slapped him clear across the face. And i'm not joking.

But anyway we saw the Hott Chick and it was really funny. THE BSB WERE IN IT!!!!!!!!!! AAHHHH!!!!! Well there pics were lol. They had a wig part of the movie for Rob Schneider and I didn't realize they were making him look like all the BSB members till the end when they made him look ALOT like AJ and then they had a big poster with all of them on it and marked their faces off lol. I gasped about 5 times in the theater and I think I yelled Yeah or BSB or something loud and Brittany M goes BSB BLOWS! I was like SHUT UP! lol That made the movie good.

Then we all piled in a car and went to her gma's house which was really nice. And we walk in and guess what's playing on the tv???? THE LORD OF THE RINGS!!!!!! AAHHH!!!!! Everyone was like Cortney look whats on! That was the first mistake cause I ran in and threw my stuff down and sat about a foot and a half away from the tv and stared lol. The tv was a big screen too so it made the movie even better lol. But then no one could pull me away from it lol. But it was near the end when we got there so I think i saw like 45 mins or less of it. But anyway we went on a hayride which rocked. We all crammed into the back of her gpa's truck and went into the woods. It was really pretty out but it was cold!!!! But that was ok. But I had been sitting indian style for like 45 mins and i tried to move my foot and when I did, I got a cramp in my leg!! I was like screaming cause usually when i get a cramp i get up and walk it off, but i couldnt move lol. But it eventually went away so I was ok.

And then we come back and hear her aunt's story. We sat in the living room with all the lights off and at the end she screamed blood murder (which was the purpose of the whole story cause the story wasn't real) and everyone screams including myself and I started to cry. I even asked beforehand if this would scare me and they said no cause I knew it would bother me or scare me. But i'm crying and her aunt felt so bad about it. She kept telling me she liked my toe socks and pjs lol. I told her not feel bad cause i'm scared of everything and I cry over everything that scares me but she still felt bad. But after that we watched A Walk To Remember.

Then everyone wanted to tell scary stories except for me (of course lol). So they all go back into the living room and I watch tv. And then I see LOTR comes on again at 12!! WOO!!!!! I got alll excited and Megan checked it so it would come on automatically for me. But then her gma walked in and said why is Cortney sitting in there by herself? Cause they had started a Heart To Heart and forgot about me lol so I went in there and joined in.

And then we came back out and watched the movie!! WOO!!! We watched it about halfway through to the end. The entire I explained everything to everyone and they all asked questions and we drooled over Frodo and Legolas (Elijah Wood and Orlando Bloom). That was quite fun lol it made the party even better. Then I asked Hope if her and Megan A wanted to go see the Two Towers with me?? Cause Hope has seen it and wants to see it again anyway and they both were like sure. And then Jillian said she wants to now too lol so i was like woo! so i told her she could come too. So my mom said we could meet after Christmas.

But then I got home from the party like at 11:30 and my family was coming over for Christmas at 12 but I come home and i'm on my LOTR rush and i get online and look at Legolas sites and 10 mins later my cousin walks in. yay. They got there early. So I dont look at anything and i'm about to fall over cause I went to bed at 3 and got up at 8. And i didnt take a nap that day so I felt REAL good around 9. So I went to bed at 9 and still wanted to sleep when my dad got me up at 8 for church.

But that's about it I guess. This was a long entry too lol sorry guys. Bye!

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