Tuesday, July 30, 2002

Good news.

I have the grooviest news!!! I got my permit!!!! Yay!!!!! Finally!!!! We went this morning to the Cleveland one to get my permit instead of Bonnie Oaks cause we thought it would be alot less crowded. We were wrong. We got there at 10 till 11 and people filled every seat. We had to take a number, and we were number 72. And the wait was supposed to be 2 hours. But that was ok cause we had planned on going to shop for shoes. So we went and stumbled around Cleveland and ate lunch at Chik-Fil-A cause my mom was dying to pee, and she wanted something to drink. But we decided to eat lunch anyway cause it was near 11:30. And when we first pulled into Chik-Fil-A, I saw this cute guy with light brown/SUPER curly hair. I was like omgosh he looks like Aqua!!!!!! I got all excited and I saw him again inside lol. And then we went to the mall, but I didnt find any shoes, im too picky. So we went back and they were on # 56. So we waited another hour, so in all it was 3 hours. So I went and took the test and i only missed 2!!!! And i only had to answer 24 questions out of 30 cause i had already passed and there was no point in answering the other questions. I was like yay!!!! So I went and got my pic made for my card and it looks great!!!! Its my first real good pic of me without my braces. I look so different in my pics now lol. My face looked wider, but looked cleaner, more pure if u know what i mean. It didnt have all this metal in the way lol. I am so happy and i can stop studying lol. But now I actually have to learn how to drive! AAhhhh!!! I dont want to drive man, I want a chauffeur! lol. I'd rather be drove around and sing to the radio than have to drive lol. I get highlights tomorrow too. I was trying to get em on Saturday but my mom made the appointment for tomorrow, but thats ok. I'll ttyl its starting to storm! bye!

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