Saturday, September 2, 2006

First date!

So yeah I had my first real date last night lol. Yay!!! Finally at 19 Ive had a date lol.

So me and Tony went out last night. I don't think ive really talked about him at all so heres some info: He's 23 (yes a bit older i know lol), I met him through Christin and her church friends, he goes to Seminary.

So he lives kinda far, in Rossville, so we decided to meet in East Ridge at 6 at the Cracker Barrel. So I left at like 5:30 cause I figured traffic would suck since it was Friday. So yeah I get there and I literally saw 2 spots to park in. It was WILD there. So i got there at like 10 til 6. So im waiting, and waiting, and at 6 I decided to call him to tell him he wouldnt be able to see my car so he'd have to drive around. Well he finally got there at 6:15, i had been waiting 25 mins by that time since i got there early.

So yeah he apologized alot for being late, but I was fine with it, no biggie. But he has my car EXACTLY, its just white. So he was all excited cause he just got it and apparently he was psyched cause he washed it for the date and all lol. But anyway so we headed downtown and ate at Chilis. I got a chicken caesar salad, remember that for later. And then we went to Coolidge Park and walked around, and then we walked the bridge and then we walked the newer bridge to Hunter Museum. That was nice cause i havent been on that yet and it was glowing green lol. It was a great night out too, not too hott with a nice breeze. Kinda messed my hair up though. But yeah he mentioned going to see a movie before he picked me up so I said yeah thats fine. And I had talked to Christin earlier and she said something about Dan and Shrum and people were gonna go see a movie so we decided to go do that after the park.

So we went and saw accepted, which was a waste of 8$ but then again I didnt pay lol. Man he dished out the bucks for the whole night. He paid for dinner obviously, and the movie, and then he stopped to get gas cause he was almost on E. Well he stepped in gas apparently and didnt know it, so we kept smelling it in his car and it wreaked. So it started to make us sick. Well I already had started to get a headache by then so this made it worse. Well by the end of the night, I looked at Christin and said, I could throw up on u right now my head hurts so bad. Well haha that was a little hint as to later.

So we saw the movie and then he took me back to Cracker barrel and I went over to spend the night at Christins house. Which was almost pointless for the sheer fact that I was sick the whole time. I was literally seconds from puking in my car and I was praying the whole way, "Jesus, please let me make it to Christin's house, please let me make it." Well I parked my car, opened the door and then it came up quick. I puked in her driveway. It was not pretty. Man it smelled horrible too cause I had caesar dressing on my salad obviously. Well I stumbled inside, somehow managed to take my make up off and laid down. Well I wanted to take some medicine badly but I knew that was a bad idea cause I didnt have much in my belly so i thought it would make me sick. Well i ate 2 crackers and water, and Christin just happened to give me a bowl to put next to me just to be safe. Well I thought it was done, but I ended up throwing up like 4 times in a row. Not good to look at or smell. Well then I felt better and went to sleep. Still had my headache when i got up. But now its gone, praise Jesus.

So yeah I kinda felt bad during the date cause I felt like I was on the phone the whole time. I kept calling Christin or she kept calling me lol. But it was so funny, during one of the calls, she goes, "Ok, if its going well say blue, if its bad say red, and if its ok/mediocre, say green." So i randomly said green on the phone, im sure he was like wha?? lol.

Oh but he was great. He literally opened EVERY door for me. Like he would walk in front of me and open my door at the car, EVERY time. And the cutest part of the night was at dinner. He said a prayer before we ate and the one thing I caught was, "Please bless us with the knowledge of conversation Lord." I was like awwww!!! isnt that cute? lol i thought it was funny. Good first date overall. Not sure if I wanna go on another one though. I thought last night might change my feelings somewhat but it didnt really. I dont think I really like him. Like theres no reason why, i just dont think I like him. Too bad. Now i dont know what to do. Boo.