Sunday, May 21, 2006

So i went to graduation at Boyd yesterday morning. Good stuff, kinda odd though since I was like hmm..there seniors now, not me. Its still kinda hitting home that I dont go there anymore even though its been a year. I still know how they felt yesterday though, made me kinda sad. So yeah Christin was definately suppose to go with me but bailed last minute!!! Thanks Christin!!! Buts its all good, it was for a good cause. But anyway I ended up getting a good parking spot (I was worried about parking cause its crap there) and I sat with someone I knew, Adam, haha. He was the only one I had until Megan Watson came in later and talked to me for a few minutes.

So yeah I also wore my new floral dress I love from Target but my boobs spilled out everywhere when I sat down, more so than I thought they would. So my double stick tape didnt work, so I ended up wearing a cardigan cause it was kinda cool in the morning and I just kept it on. I would have looked like a HARDCORE hoe wearing it alone lol. And my shoes were really cute but gave me an awful blister. Oh and Adam's friends let off a blow horn, yay me. And I saw Katlyn and Lindley afterwards. Lindley was 1 of 2 salutorians!!!! I had no idea till I saw her on stage and was like what? So valedictorians were Aaron Leverette and Sam Morris, Salutorians were Lindley and Jonathan Copely. None of the above are surprising lol. Oh yeah when Aaron went to get his diploma he was back at his seat and Mrs. Wood was calling his scholarships out for like 5 mins afterwards. He got 5 or 6, including the TVA scholarship I applied for last year, which is almost impossible to get. They only give out like 15 or 20 for all like 6 or 7 states that include TVA, crazy I tell ya.

Oh my birthday is tomorrow! yay! Ive got a full day planned actually. I'll update on that tomorrow.