Saturday, May 6, 2006

Im bored out of my mind.

I got some instant tan tonight at walmart. I have the jergens lotion that builds a tan slowly but i hate adding the lotion daily cause im lazy and i dont wanna put it all over my body and the smell starts to get to me. So i got the neutrogena build a tan thing. Its kinda the same thing but darker, quicker. I put it all over me so im hoping i dont look orange for church tomorrow haha. I didnt do it on my face or hands though. Cause its gonna come off my face anyway cause my facewash has scrubbers in them so everything comes off. And my hands would look muddy. Boo. I just need to stay white and i wont worry about it.

Got a new cosmo. Interesting stuff.

I only work 1 day next week which is odd cause she said she was always desperate for people during the summer and I put down i could work 3 days. Hmm...Kinda odd i'm working less hours than i do during school...

I got some new earrings at the icing tonight too. I wanted this pearl pair and it was buy 1 get 1 1/2 off, so i couldnt get 1 and not the other. So i got those and a big dangly blue pair. Very cute. I like big earrings.

The smell of this tanner is starting to make me sick. Eghh.

Im tired and the pollen has made my allergies act up. Im getting a cold. Ughh. Now i cant breathe at night except through my mouth which makes me choke cause its not moistened. Boo. I hate allergies.

This is such a random update.

I watched Nickelodeon today. 3 good shows on there for younger teens that I like. If u ever get a chance watch, Drake and Josh, Unfabulous (this is Julia Robert's niece) and Zoey 101 (yes this is Britney Spears' sister). Those are all good though. Drake and Josh is the funny show, the other 2 are not so funny cause they dont have an audience.