Monday, June 2, 2003

I went today and got some stuff. Me and my mom went to Books A Million and got the 2 books i need for English. I've already got the other 3 cause Adam had to read them. Hey ya know what? There all short too! Like the thickest one is 200 something pages i think and thats not bad either. But anyway I got House On Mango Street and something else, i cant remember lol. But anyway when we were there they had a whole table of lord of the rings stuff which i was magnetized to lol. I went all the way around the table, taking my time to look at everything individually lol. And we paid at the coffee spot there and they had a cinnamon roll bigger than my head and im not kidding. And then we went to Walmart and I got some make up and some other things for Jillian's gift which is complete now! The only problem now is I have to find her to give it to her lol. But anyway we went to a little shop near the mall and i made her something else too, so in all i have her 4 things. Ahhh shes gonna crack up lol. And then we were gonna go to the mall and I wanted to go into Pacific sunwear and look for some cell phone stuff but we didnt go, mom said we could go in a few days. Then we went into El Meson for lunch which was great. It's really good, i recommend it lol. And then we came home and I took a nap. And then it just rained and now the wind is picking up majorly and it looks like it could rain again.

Surf Girls tonight at 10 or 10:30 on MTV! Woo! Watch it!

I get my tonsills out on Thursday, ehh, sounds like fun eh? Well i get to get there at 6:15 and get up at like 5 something! joy! And then i'll get knocked out and be wheeled into recovery for an hour and then i'll be wheeled to the car lol. And then I wont eat anything for a while even though i'll be starving. And then my mom said that one of her friend's son had his out and if u take a little cup of water and drink it every hour of the night then it'll keep ure throat moist where u can eat some the next day. Joy, no sleep either.

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