Saturday, February 25, 2006

So I had the longest day of my life on thursday:
830-1030 - Lab
1050-130 - class
230-330 - tutoring
7-9 - play

But take into consideration that I have to drive everywhere 30 mins, so add 3 hours or more to that. Boo. I was so happy when the day was done.

Oh yeah I met Jillian and her mom to see The Dead. Lauren appeared out of no where too lol. Good to see u Lauren! Anyway the only good thing about the play was the fact that it was set in Ireland, everyone was Irish, but no accents unfortunately and they jigged and sang all Irish songs. Other than that it was poo.

I went and took the Praxis I test yesterday, not fun.

APOLO ANTON OHNO WON GOLD!!!!!!!! I almost pist on myself I was so excited!!!!! Im sad the Olympics are almost over :(

Oh yeah Christin called me on Friday and invited me to stay with her at Lee. Good times. She came and got me and we went up there and her roommate wasnt gonna be there so i got to sleep in her bed. So we were gonna watch Just Like Heaven by ourselves, but Valerie and Hope and some other girls hadn't watched it yet, so we had to watch it with them. Good movie. But Christin bought me a passion fruit smoothie, it was delich! Anyway I stayed up till 12 which was amazing for me since I had been so tired from the day anyway. And then we went and had breakfast at 11 at Hardees haha. Good times.

Im so excited, only 2 weeks till Spring Break! Im gonna be working but its ok. Its only 3 days that week and the most I work one day is 4 hours. I need the moola.