Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Hey guys sorry I know it's been a while. I've wanted to update cause ive had stuff to say but i've just been too lazy lol.

Well i did go see the play and it was great! And I went to see Chicago and it was good too. Not as good as Moulin Rouge, but good. I love the song Cell Block Tango.

Well We went to war with Iraq. We've been there almost a week i think. I'm news obsessed! I know I sit and watch CNN all day anyway but i've asked to watch it at school and when we get on the computers I go to CNN.com and see what they say on there. Katie R is my new CNN buddy lol. She loves it too. I'm glad were there helping the Iraqi people from that awful man. Insane Hussein. They showed on the news the other day that we went and tore down one of the giant portraits of him and one of the Iraqi's took his shoe and hit the face of Saddam with it and cheered lol it was great. And they showed our troops and the Iraqi's kissing each other on the cheeks and hugging and they said that when they went into different towns that they all would cheer massively for American and British troops as they went through. I feel so bad for those people, i'm so happy were there trying to help. And the other day in Bible I walked in and on the board someone had drawn and picture of Baghdad with smoke and bombs about to hit it. I started screaming and I ran up and erased it. That is sick.

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