I am quite proud. I must say. I'm forcing to update this blog about every single day of this trip so I don't forget a thing and I'm actually doing it! Success!
So today we went to a floating market with the student teachers and Christin's boss and husband. Teacher Knock and her husband are the sweetest people. SO kind and her english is great. So Christin and I had to be at BCC to meet them and we ended up having to take the motor bikes there. Well I got to meet her Thai mama and the guy that takes her to school almost every day. They were super nice, but we had to go separately and they each went a separate way. Well, it was fine but then I started to get worried because I realized Christin may not be there when I got there and I could get lost, plus the driver kept trying to ask me something and I thought he was asking me where to go! AH! I was kinda crapping my pants at that point. So he stops on the side of the road and I was like, are we here? There was a set of stairs and he told me I had to walk up the stairs and across the road and there the school was. I was okay with that because I could see the school. So I get over there and see no Christin. I ended up waiting about 10 minutes and I was drenched after walking that short distance. So the hair immediately went up. *Note to self: Don't wear hair down in Thailand. Ever. So she shows up and she said she was freaking out not knowing where I was. Ha. I had no phone either if I did try to call her somehow. Oh well. We were good.
So we drive a while to floating market. There were little vendors/shops around there with people selling EVERYTHING. I can definitely see why Christin doesn't buy food and keep it in her apartment. There is food everywhere, always, on every corner. And it's cheap. It's good too! The coconut pancake I had was awesome! I could get into that. So, we go and get on the little boat and buy a watermelon smoothie. By far my favorite food so far here. It was incredible. Who knew straight watermelon could be so awesome? This little boat was so neat and so very Thai! I definitely feel like I'm getting the most amazing Thai experience. Very Asian, which is what I wanted. Let me tell you about this boat though. It's not made for tall people, nor is anything else in Thailand. I feel like the jolly green giant everywhere. I had to sit sideways because my legs were too long to sit straight forward. Crammage. Minus that, the boat ride was perfection. Little Thai homes all along the water, people going by that were actual floating markets with all of their goods/food to sell. It was amazing. The Thai people sure are nice too like Christin said. I feel like I'm in the south :) People wave constantly and smile. Part of me thinks its because they are that nice, but another part of me thinks it's because we're tourists. Either way, it's great that everyone is so friendly. So this boat ride took us on a number of stops to see awesome stuff. We went to a temple first that was amazing. Exactly the kind of stuff I wanted to see. We went to a flower garden that was cool and a few other temples. Oh, something funny. At the flower garden, all of the Lee girls, Christin and I took a picture together and there was a little Thai girl on the tour with us who was probably 9 or 10. She was watching us and asked to take a picture with everyone. She was so excited and said, "Thank you" in english to us afterward. She was all smiles. It still amazes me how people are so interested in us. I don't know if it's an American thing or a foreigner thing in general. Like at the Crocodile show the other day, there was another little girl who looked to be 4 or 5 sitting a row down from Christin and I. Every time I looked that way she was staring at me. It sounds conceded but all I could think was, "Do I look like Barbie to her?" I assume she's never seen or seen very few blonde people in her life. I'd probably stare too if I hadn't. I kind of like this attention considering I don't get it at home. If you wanna feel good about yourself, go to a country where your looks are minority. Watch people stare then.
I know we, or just I, sweated like a pig the entire day. I had quite a few people comment on my sweating, which means it was REALLY bad and worse than I thought. I should have just foregone makeup and worn a bandana on my head to absorb it all. Ah. Oh, I bought some stuff today too. Got a green bracelet for Ashley, a pair of owl earrings that are UBER cute for myself and an Asian fan. Super excited. My first souvenirs. Can't wait to find a cute Asian top/dress like Christin has. I love finally coming to a country where the dollar is king and I can get a lot of stuff for cheap. Yay! After the boat ride, we came back to the floating dock area and had lunch. We got noodles! YAY for noodles finally! They follow me wherever I go around the world and it's amazing. So good. Oh, and back to being tall in Thailand, it blows. We sat at these cute little Thai tables with little stools and all. Sounds fun right? Wrong. I had to contort my legs in order to fit and eat my food haha. It's all good though. I had a good time.
Christin and I were deciding what to do after we left the market and Christin had the bright idea of getting a massage. Yay for massages! Camille and Tiffany came with us too. We went to Health Land right near the BCC. Let me tell you, when you walk into that parking lot, all you see is nice cars. NICE cars. You see where the people with money go for sure. They were valeting them left and right. The place was super nice but packed. We had to wait a little bit in order to get a private room for the 4 of us. I got to wear those crazy huge scrubs too. Very comfy, even though they weren't super huge on me considering I'm huge to begin with. But anyway they were good. So, I had no idea what to expect. A 2 hour Thai massage. Well, it was painful let me tell you. Kinda scary considering it was my first massage ever. My little lady was fierce too. I wish I had known the word for, not so hard, but all I could remember was "lang, lang" which means harder. I definitely didn't want that. I just kept thinking about as she worked on each limb or area of the body, about how sensitive certain areas where in general even when I wasn't being massaged. Gah, I had to cringe and hold on to the bed sometimes. The real sensitive part of my calf where I have a hematoma, she kept kneading. Ugh. I wanted to cry. My inner thighs are more sensitive than anywhere else and she kept kneading those too. Meanwhile, I kept thinking, I can't wait for her to get to my back because that's where I really need the massage. I wish I could turn over when she did finally get to it. It was the most painful thing. To make it worse, she kept using her elbows in my lower back and at one point it hurt so bad I moaned and to make it worse, she laughed! I should have farted on her like the girls told me to. Lunch must have given me gas because I really did have to fart the entire time. I had to concentrate on holding it in. Well to make it even better, at the end she patted the area near my boobs and my waist and said, "Big big". Gee. It's nice to be called fat here. I didn't want to tip her. Maybe I should pat her head as I look down on her and say, "Short, short". Is that as insulting? Or I could be real mean and point my foot at her as Christin says is like giving the finger. I'm not that mean. Only sometimes. *Be like Jesus Cortney. Be like Jesus* I keep telling myself that.
We headed home after that on a red bus thingy. That was interesting. Out of all of the transportation so far, I think I like the tuk tuk best. The motor bike is cool too, but I'm more comfortable on the tuk tuk. My butt and feet don't hurt at the end. It's odd not being in a car all of the time. It sure does make me appreciate my car at home though. It's real easy to hop in and go wherever I want, whenever I want. That's not an option here. It costs money to go places. People here don't have a lot of money. I get that. Praise Jesus for my car. I got a ham and cheese sandwich for dinner that Christin likes to eat all of the time. It was good with ketchup on it. Yum. Oh and I love Thailand more now. We ordered pizza the other night and it came with ketchup packets taped on top. I freaked out! I didn't bring any because I ran out of time to get some at home. I'm glad I didn't know obviously. Christin said they put ketchup on a lot of stuff. Yay for my condiment of choice. I think that's about all we did for the day. Came back here and attacked the internet like I've been doing lately. Forced myself to stay awake later so I wouldn't wake up at 3:30 again. Boo to jet lag.
On to tomorrow!
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