Thursday, March 16, 2006

Long days ahead...

So im gonna have some long days ahead. Im not really looking forward to them either. At this point i dont ever remember what i update on and what i dont, so if i repeat myself, just skip it lol.

So i went today to do my 2 hours of volunteering/training at the daycare. Not bad at all. It went by very quickly which i was thankful for. They put me with the infants, which is where many cant walk. Only one could walk and he looked drunk lol. I know my ID badge and lanyard are covered in spit. Im gonna have to like soak it in antibacterial stuff lol. Now that i look at it though, it seems kinda funny cause i was the only white worker in the room. The 3 others were black. haha i must have looked funny. Oh well. But now all the work i do there will be paid so thats good. 30$ here and there is gonna be good.

But i was looking ahead in my planner and i have so much work due in like the next 3 weeks, plus tudoring and work. Goll shoot me in the face. I have like 4 papers due in my classes along with tests and im gonna be tudoring 2 times a week at hunter from 230-330 and those are my long days, so that means i dont get out of class till 130, which means i have to drive home, well i dont even know if i can come home cause i dont think ill have enough time. And then i put down i can work on tuesdays from 8-1030 in the morning before class at 1050, so thats a 8-330 day, which seems like alot now, but in reality its no more than 30 mins extra than ive been doing from K-12. Ive been spoiled by college. My Odyssey paper is waiting...