Saturday, March 11, 2006

Haven't updated in a while

So I went to look at my journal and apparently I haven't updated in a while, which i thought I had, but oh well.

Spring Break baby! Yeah! its kinda sad though cause im not really looking forward to it. I have more to do on Spring break then i usually do during the school week. I have 4 papers to write, but ive already done 3 so i actually have some free time during the week. And i have to work 3 days during the week, 15 hours total. Its gonna be a great pay check but Im not looking forward to it cause 2 of those 3 days I have to work at the front desk for 3 hours each day. Thats not fun. I worked my first scheduled day last monday and I was at the desk for an hour and time just stopped. Its not hard by any means cause all I do is answer the phone and let people in the door since its locked from the outside, but boredom sets in. But Lauren usually works at the desk and she said the main secretary usually gives you something to work on for a teacher. So it shouldnt be so bad. Im pretty sure I dont get a break though and im working from 10-3, so im gonna be starving. I think im gonna try and sneak some food in cause no one is ever around when im at the desk.

Boo, I have to start working on my 7 pg research paper for english. I am not excited about that. Im thinking this may be my last research paper ever. Grr. If any one wants to help or give comments, the topic is Does the media show too much negative, bad news? Not real hard cause ive found lots of stuff, but still. So much time.