Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Here's hoping New Mexico actually looks like this.

So I finally finished posting all of my other entries from my livejournal. Glad to have it done, it took a lot of time! So I figured it was important to start this again and force myself to blog. Since I'm gonna be going on so many trips in the coming months I figured I needed to document them starting now. This is all in part to my BFF Teacher Christin. For the record I wanna be Teacher Cortney. Just saying.

Anyway, I thought I would begin my discussing my dread for part of my New Mexico mission trip. I for some reason thought that since I sing karaoke, I could sing a real song with a real track in front of a lot of real people. Wrong. As it turns out, the track I fiddled with does work, so I could sing it, but now after practicing on a real mic, I don't want to. And I'm pretty much making myself sick over it. I sounded awful on the mic, even though 2 people told me I didn't. They also informed me that I'm doing this for the Lord, not for anyone else. So, it really shouldn't matter if I sound like a dying cat, I need to sing to glorify God, not myself for my semi-musical abilities. Ugh. When someone puts it into that perspective, I feel even worse. I almost don't wanna go because of it. Like I'm worrying about it that much. I wish I had more time to practice there at the church, on that mic, on that sound system, on that stage. Ugh. Vomit. I guess I'll take the CD regardless and see what happens. Pray about it. I know I am.

Other than that, I'm gearing up to go! I am pretty excited, minus the changing of rooms and roommates situation. I was kinda looking forward to a room alone. I don't have to worry with anyone. Sharing bathrooms, TV, hearing snoring, loud sleepers, when I/her have to crap and smell the bathroom up, etc. You know. All the roommate things you worry with. Oh well. I'll have a nice bed and shower. That's all I need. But I was informed yesterday that after our 2 hour drive to Nashville, 2 hour flight to Dallas, 2 hour flight to Albuquerque, we have a 2 hour drive at night to Gallup. Through the mountains. Yes, through the mountains. Help us. I can just picture what's going to happen. All those movies in the West along a dirt, desert road, have people who get stranded on the side of the road when they have car trouble. They get abducted by those deformed, incestuous people who suffer from the effects of the nuclear bomb test. You know. Think the Hills Have Eyes. AH. That's what I imagine the desert West as being. Pray that doesn't happen.

So I'm interested to see how just me and another girl are gonna teach 40-60 PreK-K kids. Just two of us. Pray for that! Kinda scary. I guess I have to realize that if it's the Lord's will for all of those children to come, then He's providing a way to teach/take care of all of them as well. This certainly will test my love for Prek.

So I took Lauren to the shuttle at 5:30am this morning. Meaning, I had to get up at 4:45am, but my body decided to play pee pie and wake up at 4:30am instead. Bleh. Granted, I came home and slept for 2.5-3 hours, I still wanna take a nap.

Excited to go to Destin when I get back from New Mexico! Yay for vacationing with the Capetezzzz. Boo for getting home at like 6pm on Saturday evening from NM and going to Destin at 9am the next morning. Yay for washers and dryers in FL.

There better not be any oil.

1 comment:

  1. Oh only do we look identical most of the time (when my hair is not brown)...but we SOUND identical. OMG I can totally hear you talking as I read your blog and it sounds like me. :) I love it. I will for sure be praying for you as you'll rock it girl and Jesus is gonna give you some major cool points. :) love u!!!
