Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The oil is coming.

So I know it's a little late, but I've had a busy week. Anyway, I went to the beach last week with Becca and her parents and my parentals again like last year. Good times, good times. We went to Oliver's house in Destin too. We beat the oil too! We thought it would hit right when we got there but it didn't come in at all until Friday and it was just a tar ball or two. It's probably coming in good now.

But there's not much to say about it. We went to the beach everyday and out to dinner at night. I came back at lunch when everyone made a sandwich and stayed there to take a nap. That was so nice. I had to recooperate from New Mexico. Sleep was definitely my friend. Can I just BITCH for a minute please? I love her to death and she's one of my best friends, but I want to take Becca's phone and throw it in the ocean. She doesn't stay off the freakin thing EVER. And it's always to talk to Kevin. He's a whole other blog. She even texts while she drives and that REALLY bothers me considering I'm the passenger. She can do that while she's driving herself. I wish she would just quit him for a week or whenever we're busy/doing something. She did that at Bible study the other night too. I couldn't concentrate on the lesson because her phone kept buzzing with texts! UGH. She needs to learn to prioritize her boyfriend and friends separately. We don't want to hear about him 24/7 or see you talking to him or texting him. BLEH. I remember those times with Dustin and know how first love is and feels and how amazing it is. I also remember him consuming my life and I dropped everything to do whatever he wanted and was there at his beck and call. That's the part I will change next time. I WILL change it (if there is a next time). Becca doesn't see that unfortunately because she's in the bubble. We've all been there and seen the outside of it as well. You can't explain the outside bubble view unless you've been there. It's like talking to a brick wall. Sorry had to vent.

Otherwise, I had a great time, but I was ready to come home by like Wednesday. I was tired of the beach because that's all we do and was sick of sand being everywhere. I was also getting tired of seafood. I was mostly ready to be home since I'd been gone for a week already. I wanted to play with Elvis :( I felt bad for leaving her even though Adrian had a marvelous time. He will be my next cat sitter for sure.

Now I'm on to math workshop this week. Monday-Friday, 9am-3:30. In the words of Christin, BONK. I know I get paid a crap ton of money to eat good food, get free stuff and socialize with friends, but I hate doing math all day long. I think this will be my last summer to do it all week. 2 more days.

ECLIPSE COMES OUT NEXT WEEK! YES! Costume dress up here I come! I will be Jane! Don't laugh. I've become one of those Harry Potter people *coughchristincough* Don't hate.

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