Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Me and Dustin Day!

So Dustin came to town yesterday! YAY! We had a great day. I felt bad though cause he got up at 5:30 and left at 6 and drove and got here around 10. Yeah there was a bunch of plans for him to stay the night here and blah blah but we decided he should just come for the day since it was the first time he was visiting. Well I met him in Ooltewah and got him to follow me home. So I cooked him breakfast which ended up being late brunch because we didn't eat till about 11:45 lol. But anyway we hung out in my room for a while and listened to some music.

Then I took him to the mall for a while. It was insane. Boo. So many people. But it was good cause he met all my close friends except Lauren who wasn't working on the one day I wanted her to! GRR! But Jillian, Ashley and Drew were wrapping gifts today so he met them and Jillian really liked him which made me happy. And then we went and saw Christin for a bit in American Eagle and she loved him. She loved him because he's a big UT fan lol. So we wandered the mall for a bit. I think we walked the whole mall which I haven't done in a very long time. But he was super tired which I hated, so we left and went back home for a while.

So he was like do u have any movies that aren't girly that we could watch lol? So we watched Fever Pitch which is semi girly, but it's no Notebook. Anyway, my mom made him lay on the couch and take a nap lol. He fell asleep for a little while though. So then my dad came home and he met him. Good times lol. I was worried about him meeting my dad just because he's my dad. But I asked them both later and my mom loves him. And my dad said he liked him too. He was like, he's a very nice boy Cortney lol. So I got approval from everybody! Yay!

Oh so then we got ready to go out to eat. And I was super pumped because I got a new long sleeve, red, collared shirt from New York and Co and it was SUPER cute. It was one of those really long shirts and I got a massive belt to go with it. And then I curled my hair, which didn't work very well and I wore my new heels that I got. I felt very Christmasy cause I don't think I own anything red. Anyway we got him a shirt at Expressmen today and he wore that to dinner. It was a robin's egg blue collared shirt. Woah, he looked so hott lol. But i'm pretty sure I cracked up because when I came downstairs in my outfit, he goes, "Bam!" lol i just about died. But we went to Shogun for dinner which was really good but the service was trash. They were SO slow and screwed things up. I was mad because they're usually really good. I took Dustin there because they don't have one of those in Nashville and I wanted him to do something new lol. And then i'm pretty sure we were in the parking lot of Shogun for an hour saying goodbye lol. It just kept getting longer and longer. And my mom was so worried about him driving back so late and all, so she was like, you're gonna stay the night next time even if I have to call your parents lol. But he called me on the way back and he got home in record time somehow. He doesn't drive very fast either though. I don't know, but I know he said he was super awake and wasn't sleepy which was the main thing. But i'm going to see him in 2 weeks! I'm gonna go stay with Kerra again the weekend before school starts back. Yay!

Oh and I forgot to mention that I got all excited and made him HOMEMADE chocolate chip cookies. Not the peel and bake, but homemade yo. I was so pumped because they turned out sooo well. I made some with christmas colored M&M's too. And I got a little basket and put Christmas tissue paper inside and filled up that basket to the brim with cookies. There were probably 20 cookies or more in there, decent sized too. I made them for him as a surprise on the way home! Yay! But then I found out when he got there that Macadamia nut was his fav, but oh well. Next time i'll make those. Ok talked too long, gotta go.